Ing. Ondřej Ševeček MCSM:Directory | MVP:Enterprise Security | Certified Ethical Hacker | MCSE:SharePoint | PowerShell for developers
Why the admins use PowerShell Newer command line marketing –older VBScript still supported but with limited functionality Script from command line or textual.PS1 files –extensive object oriented pipeline –support for CMD, EXE, D/COM, NET (plus Win32API through PINVOKE)
Why developers might be interested Provide Admins with familiar interface for custom applications –own cmdlets in NET Automate own tasks –builds, file distribution, signing, packaging etc. Develop installation tasks –MSIEXEC custom actions - external Test / validate / proof of concept –which is non-compiled, quickly written
Example: Object pipe Get-Process, Stop-Process Export-Csv, Import-Csv Import-CliXml, Export-CliXml CERTUTIL | ConvertFrom-Csv New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher [System.Collections.ArrayList] [System.Collections.Hashtable] DSQUERY | Get-WmiObject
PowerShell versions Version 1 –download for Windows XP and 2003 and Vista –built into Windows 2008 Version 2 –download for Windows XP and 2003, Vista, 2008 –built into Windows 7 and 2008 R2 –NetFx 2.0 CLR Version 3 –download for Windows 7 and 2008 R2 –built into Windows 8 and 2012 –NetFx 4.0 CLR Version 4 –download for Windows 7 and 2008 R2, 8 and 2012 –built into Windows 8.1 and 2012 R2 –NetFx 4.5 CLR Download as Windows Management Framework
Determine version $psVersionTable Get-Host powershell -v 2, powershell -v 3
Script development environment Notepad PowerShell ISE third-party free download –not necessary anymore since Windows 8
Basic language elements Variables, values and constants –$true, $false, 0x38B, $null –'string', "string", (1..30) Types (objects vs. structs) Operators –-eq/-ceq, -ge/-gt, -le/-lt, -like, -clike, -match, -cmatch, -join, -split, -f, -is –-and, -or, -not, !, -xor, -band, -bor, -not, -bxor –*, /, % Conditions While, Do While, Foreach, break, continue Switch Functions
String and Date methods [String] –ToLower() –ToUpper() –Split() –Trim() [DateTime] –AddDays() –Parse()
Object wrappers (adapters) Get-Member .psbase,.psadapted,.psextended,.psobject –Get-Process, [XML]
Weird access to non-existing members .NonExistentProperty - no efect, empty .NonExistentMethod() - exception $array[outsideIndex] - exception
Example: COM objects $word = New-Object -ComObject 'Word.Application' $doc = $word.Documents.Add() $range = $doc.Range() $range.Font.Size = 20 $range.Font.Name = 'Verdana' $range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 2 $range.Text = 'Hellow world' $docName = 'c:\public\hello.docx' $doc.SaveAs([ref] $docName) $word.Quit()
Example: Static methods and properties [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes() [System.Math]::PI [Math]::Round() [Convert]::ToBase64String() [BitConverter]::ToString()
Type accelerators [ADSI] [WMICLASS] [XML]
Custom objects New-Object PSCustomObject Add-Member
Weird array 3, 2, 8, 11) -gt (Get-Date), $null, 2, $null, 11) -ne $null
Weir parameter parsing Parsing in command mode –everything is string except for variables and things in parenthesis –watch out for array goes just with comma separator, Parsing in expression mode First token switches the mode: –letter, &,.,. –number, variable, quoted string
Weird default values and conversions [string] $nothing = $null [int] $noNumber = $null [StringBuilder] $noStrBuilder = $null [int] '55' '38' * 3 '38' + '95' 95 + '11' [string] (Get-Process) Get-Process | fl * | Out-String
Weird collection member functions PowerShell 3 and newer If the member does not exist in the collection itself, it gets called on all members
Weird function return values Whatever goes to pipe in function is returned in array If you return single-item array it gets converted into a single object If you return [ArrayList], it converts to [Object[]]
Example: SHA1 $name = 'zkusebni retezec' $nameBytes = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($name) $sha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider $hashBytes = $sha.ComputeHash($nameBytes) # bytes array (20 bytes as SHA-1 is always 160bits) $hashBytes # the same in Base64 [Convert]::ToBase64String($hashBytes) # the same in Hex [BitConverter]::ToString($hashBytes)
C# from PowerShell Here strings at the end of a line –end as the first character on an empty line Add-Type -TypeDefinition $hereStringDef Add-Type -AssemblyName 'My.Assembly.Name' Add-Type -Path 'c:\projects\myassemblyname.dll' [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile('…')
Example: Cookie-aware WebClient $typeCookieAwareWebClient namespace Sevecek { public class CookieAwareWebClient : System.Net.WebClient { private System.Net.CookieContainer cookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri address) { System.Net.WebRequest baseRequest = base.GetWebRequest(address); if (baseRequest is System.Net.HttpWebRequest) { (baseRequest as System.Net.HttpWebRequest).CookieContainer = cookieContainer; } return baseRequest; } if (-not ('Sevecek.CookieAwareWebClient' -as [type])) { Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeCookieAwareWebClient }
Weird struct assignment $structs namespace Sevecek { public struct subStruct { public string name; public int age; } public struct parentStruct { public string id; public subStruct person; } Add-Type -TypeDefinition $structs $onePerson = New-Object parentStruct $ = 'ondrej' $onePerson.person
Exception handling try { throw } catch [type] {} finally {} $error -ErrorAction $errorActionPreference throw 'some error' throw (Get-Process)[5]
Custom CMDLETs in C# using System.Management.Automation Class for each cmdlet - decorated as cmdlet Public properties as parameters - decorated again Override void processing methods –WriteObject() to pipeline us/library/dd878294(v=vs.85).aspx
Kurzy Počítačové školy Gopas na GOC171 - Active Directory Troubleshooting GOC172 - Kerberos Troubleshooting GOC173 - Enterprise PKI GOC174 - SharePoint 2013 Troubleshooting GOC175 - Advanced Security GOC169 - Auditing ISO/IEC 2700x Získejte tričko TechEd 2014 za vyplněný hodnotící dotazník. Počítačová škola Gopas – Vaše IT škola života