Query Health Concept-to-Codes (C2C) SWG Meeting #8 January 31,
Today’s Agenda TopicTime Allotted Review Timeline2:30 – 2:35 Presentation by Subject Matter Experts Floyd Isenberg - NQF2:35 - 3:15 Kevin Puscas – S&I3:15 – 4:00 2
Proposed Timeline 3 TODAY Coordinate offline activities to summarize approaches and develop draft deliverable from presentations Meeting 1 – Dec 6 Meeting 2 – Dec 13 Meeting 3 – Dec 20 Meeting 4 – Jan 03 Meeting 5 – Jan 10 Meeting 6 – Jan 17 Meeting 7 – Jan 24 Meeting 8 – Jan 31 Meeting 9 – Feb 7 Meeting 10 – Feb 14 Tasks IHE SVS Kaiser (Convergent Medical Terminology) Overview of Constrains and Criteria Begin Overview of Next steps Presentation I2b2 (Cont.) Intermountain Health DOQS (Data Warehousing / Mapping) Tasks Introductions Scope Proposed Approach Identify SME and presentation timeline for next few meetings Meeting times extended from 2:30-4:00pm Presentation hQuery i2b2 Presentation DOQS (Data Warehousing / Mapping) Cont. PopMedNet NLM Presentation Ibeza CDISC SHARE Tasks Review of presentations and selection of proposed approach Consensus process to follow Presentation RELMA (LOINC) 3M NY Presbyterian Hospital Vocab Team Presentation AHIMA LexEVS and CTS2 Jacob Reider - ONC Presentation NQF – Value Sets S&I Repository
The S&I Repository Kevin Puscas
The S&I Framework Web Platform S&I Framework Front Page S&I Framework Repository S&I Framework Pilots S&I Framework Wiki
The S&I Repository (SIR) Artifact Manager Category Manager Information Browser
SIR Architecture
S&I Repository (SIR) –Managed Repository for S&I artifacts (docs, models, links, …) –Facilitates artifact lifecycle (publishing, versioning, …) –Create and manage contextual relationships between artifacts –Provides the ability to create, apply and manage taxonomies of categories for additional meta-data tagging. –Contextual Searching based on both artifact meta-data as well as content –Shopping cart model allows user to select artifacts to be downloaded as a structured zip package. –Managed Links provides integration with external web information sources
Types of Information Documents –Searchable information contained in specific “physical” artifacts –Examples: PDF, MS Word, Presentations, Spreadsheets, XML, Text) –In some cases can be transformed to other forms as part of publishing process Multi-Media –Image files, Audio, Video –Examples: JPEG, TIFF, MP3, MOV –Meta-data tagging important to provide context to artifacts Links (static and dynamic) –URL to information contained in other web sites/systems –Examples: HITSP PDF files, UMLS Value Sets, IHE wiki pages Models –Process Models, Data Models, ….
S&I Browser
Artifact Manager
Category Manager
Vocabulary Value Set Support Business needs defined by HITSC in April 2010* –Support the S&I Initiative teams in the definition and governance of value sets. –Provide value sets in a computable format to assist in incorporating those value sets into Meaningful Use compliant solutions. NLM’s UMLS system was identified by ONC to be the source of vocabularies in support of S&I Framework activities 2 Key Requirements for Value Sets. –What information is needed in a value set. –What information would be needed for the definition of a value set. *
NLM UMLS Integration S&I Repository UMLS Valueset Definitions Vocabulary Sources Valueset Definition.xml ValuesetResults.xml SOAP Interface Retrieve Valueset S&I User Value Set SME Create Valueset Definitions Values et Definitions specify a subset of a Vocabulary Source (ex SNOMET-CT, LOINC, HL7,…). The value set definition includes: Vocabulary Source Identifier Source version List of Codes
S&I Repository only manages value set definitions. Value sets themselves are not in the repository. Definitions require –Vocabulary Source –List of Concept Codes –Description of Value Set –S&I Value Set Identifier (SI-VS-xxxx)* –S&I Value Set OID ( xxxxxx)* Content of value sets based on value set element metadata defined in HITSP C80 Section 2.3 –Concept Code, Concept Name, Code System Name) Value Sets are returned in XML format based on schema defined in the IHE Sharing Value Set Profile Value Sets in S&I Repository * Assigned to the value set definition by the S&I Repository.
Only supports enumerated value set definitions. Intensional value set definitions are not yet supported Currently 14 of the 160 UMLS vocabularies are used for creating definitions covering SNOMED-CT, LOINC, ICD9/10, RxNorm, CPT, MEDCIN, and HL7v2/v3. More can easily be added as needed A UMLS account is required to author value set definitions or retrieve published value sets. Limited to current UMLS metathesarus version. Current Constraints
Fuller implementation of SVS profile Working with UMLS to support intensional value set definitions Providing access to vocabularies not available in UMLS as requested (ex ISO country codes) Alternative definition authoring mechanisms (ex csv) Tentative Roadmap