4/23/10 Warm up Warm up: How have you helped your group during the project this week? Review: No review today. Turn in your sheets
4/21/10 Warm up Warm up: Which amusement park ride would you most like to try? Review: Why does the the first hill usually have to be the tallest? Hint: To build up a lot of _______energy.
4/20/10 Warm up Warm up: What do you feel if positive G forces are applied to your body? Review:What do you feel if negative G forces are applied to your body?
4/19/10 Warm up Warm up:What is kinetic energy? Review:At what point of a roller coaster ride do you have the most potential energy?
4/15/10 Warm up Warm up:What is going well with your experiment? What could be improved? Review: no review today (we are in the computer lab the second half of class.)
4/14/10 Warm up Warm up:What is the next step in your experiment? Review: no review today (we are in the computer lab the second half of class.)
4/13/10 Warm up Warm up:What is the next step in your experiment? Review: At what point of a roller coaster ride does the rider have the most gravitational potential energy?
4/1/10 Warm up Warm up: Why is it important to identify sources of error for an experiment? Review: Describe 2 sources of error that your group tried to control in the experiment plan?
3/31/10 Warm up Warm up: Which kind of information should be on the “X” axis of a graph? Which belong on the “Y” axis? Review: Which information did you put on the “X” axis of your graph? Which information did you put on the “Y” axis?
3/30/10 Warm up Warm up: Why is it important to change only 1 variable in an experiment? Review: Which variable did your group change? List at least 3 variables that your group will attempt to control (keep the same).
3/29/10 Warm up Warm up: Why is it important to introduce background information at the beginning of an experiment report? Review: Which prompt did your group choose?
3/17/10 Warm up Warm up: No warm up today 3/18/10: If you could go anywhere for spring break, where would it be and why?
3/16/2010 Warm up: Which kinds of planes flew the farthest? Which kinds of planes had the most hang time?
3/15/2010 Warm up: What are four forces acting on an airplane as it flies? (see page 399 for the answer.) This is repeated from last week. Use at least 1 complete sentence and make a labeled illustration.
3/12/10 Warm up Warm up: What are four forces acting on an airplane as it flies? (see page 399 for the answer.) Use at least 1 complete sentence and make a labeled illustration.
3/10/10 Warm up Warm up: Why is it harder to breathe at the top of a very high mountain? Remember to use complete sentences! Activities: -Discussion/Notes: Fluid pressure -p.392 #1-5 together Reading notes 13.2 pp due at warm up Thursday
3/9/10 Warm up Warm up: How many hours of sleep do you get on an average week night? (the reading assignment we are doing today relates to hours of sleep)
3/8/10 Warm up Warm up: What is a simile?
Warm up No warm up questions March 3-5 We were state testing
3/2/10 Warm up Warm up: What is the procedure for finding out what the warm up question was from an absence? Answer: (3 parts) Check the website found in “Department resources” section of the high school website. Click on the warm up questions link. Also check the green wall for a printed copy to borrow during work time.
3/1/10 Warm up Warm up: What is the procedure for finding out what assignments were given when you were absent? Answer: Collect the class calendar from the red folder on the green wall when you return. The due date is extended 1 day if the absence was excused.
2/26/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? How much of the atmosphere is made up of this gas?
2/25/10 Physical Science Warm up: Which natural force most likely caused the layers to deform into the wavy pattern? A D C B
2/24/10 Physical science Warm up: Place the fossils (1,2,3,4) in order from youngest to oldest. Explain how you know your order is correct. A D C B
2/23/10 Physical Science Warm up: According to the most current scientific evidence, how many years ago did two large objects collide to form our planet? Rephrase the question into your answer: “According to the most current scientific evidence….” Activities: - State test review “Fearless planet” -subduction zones -radiometric dating -ages of fossils
2/22/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the hardest thing that you have ever done that ended in success? Classroom Activities: -p.393 #1-9..go over tricky questions then turn in. -papers passed back -quiz corrections Getting ready for state testing: Review of topics from the past that are likely to be on the state test. (EARTH SCIENCE review)
2/19/10 Physical Science Warm up: Choose 1 of Newton’s laws of motion and state that law of motion. (see pages ) Make sure it is a different law than the one you chose on Thursday! Classroom Activities: Review video: Newton’s laws of motion Quiz…use your study guide on the test! Read pp p.393 #1-9 due Monday at warm up
2/18/10 Physical Science Warm up: Choose 1 of Newton’s laws of motion and state that law of motion. (see pages ) Classroom Activities: Newton’s laws comic strips warm up Study guide work time…. you can use them during the test. They will be stapled to the back of your test and graded at the same time as your test.
2/17/10 Physical Science Warm up: Describe two forces that are acting on a baseball or softball after it is pitched. Classroom Activities: p.362 #1-8 due at warm up Video: forces (does screaming help increase force?) Newton’s laws comic strips due warm up
2/16/10 Physical Science Warm up: What are two things a student can do to successfully prepare for a quiz? Classroom Activities: Reading notes :12.1 pp due at warm up Pass back graded work Pass back grade update Quiz corrections Video: forces p.362 #1-8 due WED at warm up
2/11/10 Physical Science Warm up: How can an object have negative acceleration? Classroom Activities: pp #11,14,19,21,24,29,31 due at warm up QUIZ TODAY Reading notes :12.1 pp due Tuesday at warm up
2/10/10 Physical Science Warm up: Describe two parts of a velocity measurement. Give 3 examples of velocity measurements. Example: “5m/s east” Classroom Activities: Reading note 11.3 due today at warm up guide due today at warm up pp #11,14,19,21,24,29,31 due THURS at warm up
2/9/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the difference between speed and velocity? See pages 332 and Classroom Activities: p.333#1-2 and p.337 #1-4 warm up p.337 #5-9 (together if time allows) due at end of the period guide (completed and due WED at warm up )
2/8/10 Physical Science Warm up: Describe 1 goal that you would like to accomplish this year. Also explain at least one thing that you are doing to accomplish this goal. Classroom Activities: guide (due at end of period) p.333#1-2 and p.337 #1-4 due warmup
2/5/10 Physical Science Warm up: Make up a short story about a person who travels the yellow path. In the story discuss answers to the following questions: Where are they going? Is the yellow path their total distance or total displacement? How could this person make it so their distance and displacement were the same? Classroom Activities: Reading notes 11.2 due at warm up Motion graphing Notes: distance vs displacement
2/4/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the difference between displacement and distance? Classroom Activities: notes:displacement and velocity Experiment design sketches/storyboards (due at the end of the period) Reading notes 11.2 (pp ) due Fri at warm up
2/3/10 Physical Science Warm up: Describe at least 3 habits that allow students to be successful in school. Classroom Activities: pp.331 #1-8 + “writing in science” p.331 warm up revisit quiz notes: distance and displacement Experiment design sketches/storyboards (due warm up)
2/2/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the name for a chemical reaction between an acid and a base? Classroom Activities: Review notes due at warm up Quiz: solutions, acids/bases pp.331 #1-8 + “writing in science” p.331 due warm up If time allows: start experiment design sketches/storyboards (due warm up)
2/1/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is the scientific definition of an acid? Classroom Activities: Reading notes pp due at warm up REVIEW for Quiz Hand back papers….work time on late work TUES Quiz: solutions, acids/bases
1/29/10 Physical Science Warm up: (20 points) Which chemicals get released when acids and bases are dissolved in solutions? Hints: Write your best paragraph with an introductory sentence that rephrases the question. Include chemicals that are released by acids (H 3 O + ) Include chemicals that are released by bases (OH - ). Classroom Activities: Week in review Quiz: solutions, acids/bases Reading notes pp due warm up
1/28/10 Physical Science Warm up: What is a solute? (see page 229) Use complete sentences Classroom Activities: Notes: solutions, acids, bases
1/27/10 Physical Science Warm up: Which variable did your group choose to change? Use complete sentences Classroom Activities: Reading notes pp warm up Finish experiment plans due today Notes: acids and bases
1/26/10 Physical Science Warm up: Why is it important to get work completed on time? Use complete sentences Classroom Activities: p.234 #1-6 warm up finish test corrections Introduction to experiment Planning time for experiment plan Assignment: Reading notes: pp due warmup
1/25/10 Physical Science Warm up: Describe something about yourself that you are proud of. Use complete sentences Classroom Activities: 8.1 worksheet due at warm up review classroom procedures/ policies TEST corrections Assignment: p.234 #1-6 due Tues at warm up