K E Y C L U B Etiquette 101 MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B COMMUNICATION MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B o Telephone: Be prepared with what you have to say before making the call. Find a quiet place, no noisy backgrounds. Speak clearly & slowly Give your full attention. Be patient and polite. Do not call later than 8pm Communication MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B o s: Communication doN’t tYpe lyKe diS Spell correctly Use correct grammar Include a salutation and closing No slang ex: “wassup,” “you guys” Include a Subject Name Keep s concise. Make paragraphs if the message is long Poor communication provides negative information about you. You represent Key Club, so negative information about you provides negative information about Key Club! Do not show-off your SAT vocabulary. Get to the point. Busy people do not like reading fluff. MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B ATTIRE MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B o Casual: Attire MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee Key Club t-shirts Jeans Tennis Shoes No socks with sandals No sagging Wear this to: Key Club Socials Service Events School
K E Y C L U B o Business Casual: Attire MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee Slacks and Skirts Skirts must be at appropriate heights Dress Shirts Dress Shoes No Jeans No Sandals SEE EVERYONE IS HAPPY!!!
K E Y C L U B o Business Professional: Attire MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee Always dress up than dress down! Bussiness Suits No sneakers, sandals, boots at formal events No White Socks No jeans or mini skirts Men should be shaven Keep hairstyles simple Look clean and presentable NO SPIRIT ATTIRE WHAT-SO-EVER!!!!
K E Y C L U B GENERAL MANNERS MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee
K E Y C L U B o Table Etiquette: General Manners MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee Introduce yourself to the table Stand to shake hands Chew with your mouth closed Eat slowly Share table space
K E Y C L U B o Talking: General Manners MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee o Public speaking: Be courteous to others opinions Don’t interrupt No talking behind anyone’s back Don’t be rude Always listen to what people have to say Be clear and try not to shutter. Prepare yourself on what you are going to say Don't fidget around, be still and professional Don’t speak too soft or loud Keep eye contact with everyone in the room
K E Y C L U B QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee