By: Lulwa Al Zaini 6E
Ink Roller Styrofoam paper Plastic paper Pencil A4 paper
Draw your monster on a Styrofoam paper, and make sure that when your draw your monster you press hard on your pencil while your drawing so your picture shows out clearly after sticking it, using paint.
take a bunch of ink and put it on the plastic sheet
put the ink on the Styrofoam Paper by using a spoon.
Roll your ink by using a roller and make sure you have enough of ink on your roller.
Roll your roller on your image that is on your Styrofoam paper.
Sixthly, stick your Styrofoam paper on a plain piece of paper. You need to make sure it’s stuck well so your print turns out perfectly.
You can add more layers of colors if you want but make sure your monster that is on your Styrofoam paper stick’s well on your plain piece of paper, so your monster shows up clearly.
I had five different monsters. For the next five slides there will be one my monsters that I did and a small description of what I did in my monster…
In the first monster I did, I had too many layers of ink. I think the most color that showed on my print was yellow and I think this one showed the most because I must have been putting too much ink with the yellow and I spread it evenly. So you must be careful by not putting to much ink because the rest of your colors won’t show.
In the second monster I did, I also had more than one layer in my print. But this time, three colors showed. I’m glad I chose bright colors on top of green because if I chose dark colors they won’t show on top of the green because they might be similar to the dark green. The red color mostly showed on the right, and the pink color mostly showed on the left.
In my third monster, I only had two layers but I repeated both colors on my print. I chose the color pink and turquoise. When I first made the pink layer, it didn’t show a lot. So I decided to do another layer on top. That’s why, the pink showed more than the turquoise.
In my fourth monster I did, the most color that showed was silver. This was different because I chose a new color and that was silver. I liked this monster the most because in every line it was a different color. I really love colorful colors so that’s why I loved this the most. The most color I loved that matched with my print was the color yellow. When I printed the color silver, I loved the fact that it wasn’t too dark. But, I still think my fourth monster is the best and I loved it a lot.
In my fifth monster that I did, I also used silver. So that’s why it looked similar to my fourth monster. I loved the fact that my monster was yellow, cause I thought it would the best color for my monster. I also loved that my zigzag lines were pink, and they were the right colors for my zigzag lines. My two circles were dark blue. I also loved my three colors that I chose and they were pink, dark blue, and yellow.
This is the end of my step-by-step guide PowerPoint. I really hope you’ve learned how to print your monsters. But be careful by not putting too much ink and not too little so your monster turns out perfectly. Thank you fro watching!