Web 2.0 Tools Used in the Finance/Investment Management Industry
What is Web 2.0? What are its characteristics? Who are major Web 2.0 players
The Machine is Us/ing Us
Web 1.0 Characteristics Created by and those who have knowledge. User experience is through a interface. Fixed advertising Traditional sites are about publishing. I own what I publish. All rights reserved. Web 2.0 Characteristics Value of the site increases as (user-generated content) Organic interfaces. You find your way around and things change. Advertising varies based upon the interests & needs of users. Web 2.0 sites are about I put it out there and you do with it whatever you want. Some rights reserved
The HTML code used to make web pages indicates how data should be Text that is bold and underlined Large font size Text that is in a bulleted list HTML does not tell you XML indicates It provides context for the data being transmitted. 150 $100 Blue Data provided about data
Web 2.0 Tools we will use in this class Google Docs & Spreadsheets – Collaborative application software Blog () – An online journal that uses technology to publish information on the Internet (posted in reverse chronological order) – One way communication: doesn’t work for teams Wikis (pronounced we-key)
Wikis Web-based tools that make it easy for users to add, remove and change online content – Wikipedia: web-based encyclopedia: most well-known – Wikis can serve as a repository of team knowledge – When a user contributes a wiki entry, the system tracks who created the entry and the date of creation. As others modify the entry, the wiki software tracks the identity of the modifier and the date. Your organization can deploy wiki software to create your own internal wikis that can be used to conduct company business. Wetpaint.com is one of the most well-known free wiki sites. It is thought of as a “social website.” – What is a Social Website? – Why start a social website? – A wiki has been created for this class at wetpaint.com – The wiki address is – You have been invited to join this private wiki (check your webmail inbox)
Web 3.0 Some view Web 2.0 as simply a transitional period to the new Internet technologies that will be found in Web 3.0 – Everything (programs and data) will reside in the “cloud” and all of our devices will access the cloud. – Web 3.0 will feature “intelligent” applications that will be able to “figure out” what you are looking for and provide the most relevant search results The “semantic” web Spring = season? or coil? or jump? – Natural language process, artificial intelligence, neural networks, intelligent agents – Computers will be able to read and understand what is found (put it into context)
What impact might these technologies have on a business operating in the investment management (financial) industry?