ONLINE SHOPPING Online shopping is the process to purchase products, goods or services over the internet. An online shop, e-shop, e – store, internet shop, web shop or virtual store evokes the physical analog of buying product or services at a bricks and mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce used for business- to- business (B2B) and business – to – consumer (B2C). A web store is a website that sells products or services and typically has a online shopping card associated with it.
SHOPPING CARD Shopping cart software is software used in e-commerce to assist people making purchases online, analogous to the American English term 'shopping cart. In British English it is generally known as a shopping basket, almost exclusively shortened on websites to 'basket'. The software allows online shopping customers to accumulate a list of items for purchase, described metaphorically as "placing items in the shopping cart". Upon checkout, the software typically calculates a total for the order, including shipping and handling (i.e. postage and packing) charges and the associated taxes, as applicable.
Online Shopping Check list Who am I dealing with? Do I know what I am buying? What does my contract say ? Are there any extra fee or charges? Is my order correct? Is my transaction is secure? When will my goods arrive? What happened if I am not satisfied with my purchase. ? How will my personal information be treated ?
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Preliminary Requirement Determination. Search for the available items that can meet the requirement. compare ( price, delivery, date, shipping etc) Place and order. Pay the bill. Receive the delivered items and inspect them. Customer services.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Online Shopping Admin User User detail Admin detail Services Request for data Shopping
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE User Login Produc t Item Listing Product Id Product Purchas e Pay Login Info Request for product Product id Product Purchase Pay process Request for Registration Login/Password User Verification Product List Product Detail Shipping Info Pending product data Registratio n Shipping Shippingcharges User Registration
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Customers: In recent years online shopping has became popular, how ever, it still caters to the middle and upper class. In order to shop online, one must be able to have access to computer, a bank account and a debit card. Customers can be targeted by demographic characteristics, education, income and occupation. Only young customers were the main users of online shopping but know it is changing.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE SEARCH ENGINE: A web search engine is designed to search for information on the world wide web. The search results are usually presented in a list of results and are commonly called hits. E.g. (Google, yahoo, Aol etc) Some search engines also mime data available in database or open directories. One third of people that shop online use a search engine to find what they are looking for and about and about one fourth find websites by word of mouth. Word of mouth has become a leading way by which people find shopping websites.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Logistics: Consumer find a product of interest by visiting the websites of the retailer directly, or do a search across many different vendors using a shopping search engine. Once a particular product has been found on the website of the seller, most online retailers using shopping card software to allow the consumer to accumulate multiple items and to adjust quantities by analogy with filling a physical shopping cart or basket in conventional store. Some stores allow customer to sign up for a permanent online account so that some or all of this information needs to enter once. The customer receives the confirmation when transaction is complete.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Shopping Cart Software is a Smart, Feature packed, Low cost and Search Engine Friendly software to launch your online shopping site. Application: Run dedicated online ecommerce shopping web site (online shop) to sell your items. Put your products online thru software to give your products more search engine exposure Use as advertising platform for other products / other sites Make your web sitemore user friendly
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Shopping search engine: on the internet a price comparisons service (also know as shopping comparison or price engine) allows individual to see different lists of price products.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Payment Debit card Electronic money Wire transfer Postal Money order Gift Cards
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Debit card: Debit card is also known as a bank card or check card ) is a plastic card that provides an alternative payment method to cash when making purchasing. Functionally, it can be called electronic cheque, as the funds are withdraw directly from either the bank account. Electronic money: Electronic money is also known as e – currency, e – money electronic cash, electronic currency, digital money) refers to money or scrip which is exchanged only electronically. Typically, this involves the use of computer networks, the internet and digital store value system. Electronic funds transfer and direct deposits are the example of electronic money.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Wire transfer: Wire transfer is a method of transferring money from one person or institution to another. A wire transfer can be made from one bank account to another bank account or through a transfer of cash. Postal money order: A money order is a payment for a pre- specified amount of money. Because it is required that the funds be prepaid for the amount show in, it is more trusted method of payment than a personal check.
Security A part of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is available on customers’ browsers it is basically an encryption mechanism for order taking, queries and other applications it does not protect against all security hazards it is mature, simple, and widely use SET ( Secure Electronic Transaction) is a very comprehensive security protocol it provides for privacy, authenticity, integrity, and, or repudiation it is used very infrequently due to its complexity and the need for a special card reader by the user it may be abandoned if it is not simplified/improved
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Receiving of goods: As the selected items are order and paid for, the vendor will arrange the delivery. For example Amazon will ask FedEx to deliver. To identify the delivery point the address should be filled out. Delivery charges differ among vendors. Amazon has a charge scheme depending upon the delivery location. Delivery can be done in digitalized from also.
ONLINE SHOPPING PROCEDURE Customer services :Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is the felling that a product or services has met the customer expectations. Customer service help vendors to resolve problems they encountered in any phase of the purchasing decision making process and after the product is received.
Advantages And Disadvantages of online shopping ADVANTAGES Online store are available for 24 hours a day. Searching or browsing online catalog can be faster than browsing the aisles of a physical store. One can avoid crowded malls resulting in long lines and no parking. Majority of stores have made it easy to find the style one is looking for, as well as the price range that is acceptable making the shopping experiences quick and efficient. The internet has made shopping an almost effort less task. Many store give the customer the delivery company tracking number for there package when shipped, so they can check there status online and know exactly when it will arrive.
Advantages And Disadvantages of online shopping Disadvantages Fraud and security concerns: Given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase, consumer are at higher risk of fraud on the part of merchant than in a physical store. Merchants also risk fraudulent purchase using stolen credit cards. Secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption has generally solved the problem of credit card numbers being intercepted in transit between the consumer and merchant. Identity theft is still a concern for consumers when hackers break in to merchants web page and steal name, address and credit card numbers
Advantages And Disadvantages of online shopping Lack of full cost discloser: It may be easy to compare the base price of an item online, it may not easy to see the total cost up front as additional fees such as shipping are often not visible until final step in the check out process. PRIVACY Product SUITABILITY