A First Look at Traffic on Smartphones Hossein Falaki Dimitrios Lymberopoulos Ratul Mahajan Srikanth Kandula Deborah Estrin
Exponential growth in mobile traffic CISCO VNI ratul | IMC | Nov
Two ways to understand smartphone traffic ratul | IMC | Nov Capture at a link in the network 2. Capture on the devices
Preliminary findings Browsing, , media, and maps dominate traffic Small connection sizes lead to high overhead Throughput is bottlenecked by path loss and socket buffers at servers Tuning 3G radio timeout can significantly reduce power use with minimal performance impact ratul | IMC | Nov 20104
Datasets in our study ratul | IMC | Nov Dataset1Dataset2 # users1033 Platform 8 WM6, 2 Android Android Traffic granularityPacket-levelApp-level Duration (days/user)
Traffic exchanged per day ratul | IMC | Nov MB per day % of users (CDF)
Traffic composition ratul | IMC | Nov Bytes (%) Browsing58.0 Media10.8 Messaging ( , IM)10.3 Maps8.5 System5.8 Social networking4.2 Games0.4 Productivity0.2 Other1.8 [Dataset2]
Transfer sizes are small ratul | IMC | Nov Transfer size (KB) % of transfers (CDF) [Dataset1]
Lower-layer protocols have high overhead ratul | IMC | Nov Header overhead (% of bytes) % of xfers (CDF) Handshake overhead (% of time) [Dataset1]
Traffic throughput is low ratul | IMC | Nov Throughput (kbps) % of xfers (CDF) [Connections in Dataset1 with 10+ data packets in a direction]
Throughput bottlenecks ratul | IMC | Nov Uplink (%) Downlink (%) Packet loss Sender window Receiver window Bandwidth Transport Application0.0 Unknown [Connections in Dataset1 with 50+ data packets in a direction]
Conclusions Capturing traffic on smartphones provides a rich, detailed view of device traffic Findings from our preliminary analysis Browsing, , media, and maps dominate traffic Small transfer sizes lead to high overhead Throughput is limited by loss and socket buffers Judicious radio timeouts can cut power consumption ratul | IMC | Nov
ratul | IMC | Nov Ratio of WiFi traffic % of users (CDF)
Energy saving from radio timeout tuning ratul | IMC | Nov