History of Research Project on CCA-Treated Wood Presented August 18, 2005 TAG Meeting
Funding Received from Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Mngt. Florida Power and Light Sarasota County & Town of Medley/ Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida International University/NIEHS Rutgers University/NIEHS U.Miami/NIEHS University of Florida FCES Center/NSF Public Health Trust, CA
Helena Solo-Gabriele, Ph.D., P.E., Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. Professor, Civil/Environ. EngrgAssoc. Prof., Environ/Solid Waste Engrg Core Team of Faculty Researchers Gabriel Bitton, Ph.D.David Hahn, Ph.D. Professor, Env. Micro/ToxAssoc. Prof., Mechanical – Laser Yong Cai, Ph.D.Stuart Shalat, Sc.D. Assoc. Prof., ChemistryAssoc. Prof., Epidemiology/Pesticides Lora Fleming, M.D., Ph.D.C.Y. Wu, Ph.D. Professor., Epidemiology/MPH Assist. Prof., Env. Engineering/Air Additional Faculty Researchers
Helena Solo-Gabriele, Ph.D., P.E., C.Y. Wu, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., Civil/Environ. EngrgAssoc. Prof., Environ/Air Pollution Control Engineering Tim Townsend, Ph.D., P.E.Tim Townsend, Ph.D., P.E. Assoc. Prof., Environ/Solid Waste Engrg Today’s Meeting Joint Meeting
Approx. 32 Students Supported on CCA Projects Since Beginning of Project Today’s Student Presenters Colleen Block, B.S. candidate from U.Miami Brajesh Dubey, Ph.D. candidate from U.Florida Gary Jacobi, M.S. candidate from U.Miami Anadi Misra, M.S. candidate from U.Florida Amy Omae, M.S. candidate from U.Miami Tomoyuki “Shiba” Shibata, Ph.D. candidate from U.Miami
Guest Speakers Claire Cornillier, CTBA, Technical Centre for Wood and Furniture, Bordeaux, France Harvey Schneider, President, Florida Wood Recycling Medley, FL John Schert, Executive Director, Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Mgt. and Florida Center for Environmental Solutions, Gainesville, FL
History of Research Activities
Original Motivation For Project Ash Disposal Problem, 1995
FCSHWM Year 1 ( )
Year 1: C&D Wood Testing Processed Wood at C&D Recycling Facilities 6% CCA by Weight
Year 1: Disposal Forecast (Updated 2005) As
Slower Rate of Release but More Concentrated As
FCSHWM Year 2 ( )
Year 2: Ash Leaching Studies Leaching Studies, ash Hazardous when CCA-treated wood represents 5% of wood burned Solvents can extract metals from ash, citric acid very promising (40 to 100% As removed)
Year 2: Sorting Sorting Studies, Laboratory Chemical stains, low capital cost labor intensive X-ray methods, high capital cost suitable for on-line system UntreatedTreated
Outline of Work Since 1999 In-Service Issues Impacts on Soil Runoff and Infiltration* (NIEHS funding) Playgrounds and Children* (NIEHS funding) Disposal Leaching New and Weathered Wood Chemical Alternatives to CCA Sorting Methods* (FDEP/Medley) Mulch Studies* (FCSHWM)
In-Service: Soil Impacts
In Service: Soil Impacts
Experimental Set-up sandy soil, 2 ft deck gravel rainwater runoff collection vessel Infiltrating rainwater precipitation
Disposal Leaching New and Weathered Wood Chemical Alternatives to CCA Sorting Methods* Mulch Studies*
Leaching of CCA-Treated Wood
TCLP Limit Leaching of CCA-Treated Wood TCLP
Field-Scale Leaching 2 Monofills / 2 C&D / 2 MSW Untreated (As mg/L) Treated (As mg/L) Wood Monofill (100% wood) < – 43 C&D Waste (34% wood) < – 1.8 MSW (2% wood) < – 2.3
Chemical Alternatives: Leaching Synthetic Rainfall
Chemical Alternatives: Aquatic Toxicity Less Toxic CCA CDDC CBA ACQ CC
Laser x-ray UntreatedTreated Test Kits x-ray Sorting
Work Products 8 FCSHWM reports, Finalized (available on-line) 1 FCSHWM reports, Draft (available on-line) 2 FCSHWM reports, Pending 13 peer-reviewed journal articles published, 2 accepted, and 3 submitted Plus approx 40 conference proceedings and other papers
Questions? technical reports available at: under the “publications” link