Presentation for Master Trainers Sanjay Kumar, Dy. Secretary Election Department, Bihar
Preparation of Training Calendar Identification of subjects for which training programmes will be organised. Identification of Master Trainers/Resource persons for each subject. Identification of Participants / Officers / Employees for training and their numbers. Preparation of schedule for training (Exact Date, Month, Time and duration) Earmarking Places for Training. Preparation of material for distribution during training. No. of sessions of training (Each training will be for not more than 40 to 50 persons).
Identification of subjects on which trainings will be organised EVM Personnel Role of Police Transport SVEEP & Helpline Communication Plan Material MCC Election Process Expenditure Monitoring Law & Order Observer
Identification of Master Trainers/Resource persons for each subject To handpick two Master Trainers/Resource Persons per AC or PC for each subject. Intensive training to these Master Trainers/ Resource Persons by sending them to State level workshop/training programme. All guidelines and training materials of ECI and CEO Office should be given to these Master Trainers/Resource Persons. Daily review of these Master Trainers/ Resource Persons by DEO/Nodal Officer, Training.
Identification of Participants / Officers / Employees for training Personnel of various Cells Training Cell Observer Cell Material Cell MCC Cell (MCC teams & Video watching teams) SVEEP Cell Expenditure Monitoring Cell Transport Cell
Identification of Participants / Officers / Employees for training (…..contd.) Law & Order Cell EVM Cell Personnel Cell Ballot Paper /Dummy/Postal Ballot Paper Cell Media Cell Computerization and Digital Camera Cell Communication Plan Cell Helpline/ Control Room Cell MCMC (Media Certification & Monitoring Committee) Cell
Identification of Participants / Officers / Employees for training (…..contd.) EROs/AEROs ROs/AROs Sector Officers Police Officials of all levels All Senior Police Officers (SP to Inspector) Sergeant Major/Sergeants of Police lines/District Commandant, Homeguards All Officers-in-charge of Police Stations. All SIs/ASIs/Havildars/Constables.
Identification of Participants / Officers / Employees for training Zonal/Sector Magistrates Polling Personnel (Presiding Officers & Polling Officers) Counting Supervisor/Assistant Magistrates posted in Subdivisions BLOs (Booth Level Officers) Political parties, Candidates & their Agents Patrolling Magistrates Personnel in-charge of Clusters (if applicable) Videographers & Photographers
Preparation of schedule for training Number of subject-wise participants, who will be given training, should be assessed. Not more than participants should be given training in one session. Availability of Master Trainers/Resource Persons should be considered before finalizing the schedule of training. Preferably non-teaching days or sunday should be chosen for the training of teachers. Schedule of training should be circulated among all concerned.
Identification of Place for Training At least one Training Hall per Assembly Segment is required at the District Headquarters. One Training Hall at each RO level and each Block level should be identified for training. Preferably hall should be chosen having the facility of power supply with computer/standby generator. Facility of Laptop and Projector for training. Seating arrangement for about 40 to 50 participants per Training Hall (any training programme should not comprise more than 40 participants at one time). Training Hall having adequate facility of drinking water and toilet should be preferred.
Preparation of material for distribution during training Subject-wise material (like Handbook, Checklist, Leaflets, Presentations, Instructions, FAQs, Questionnaire etc.) should be compiled and prepared before commencement of Training. Instructions/guidelines of ECI/CEO office regarding the subject should be provided along with Training material. Presentation prepared subject-wise separately for training should be circulated among the participants. These materials should be given in hard copy and in soft copy, where required. Materials should be circulated in bound or ring bound form with index showing details of contents.
Subject-wise Details (EVM) Availability/Requirement of Mk IV EVMs FLC (First Level Checking) Master Stock Register (MSR)/Safe Custody ID allocation of EVMs Randomization of EVMs through EVM Tracking Software Preparation and distribution of EVMs EVM training to Personnel of EVM Cell EVM training to RO/ ARO EVM training to Polling Personnel EVM training to Political Parties, Candidates and their Agents Execution of extensive EVM awareness programme for electors
Subject-wise Details (Personnel) Availability/Requirement of Personnel for -Different Cells -Sector Officers -Micro Observers -Micro Expenditure Observers -Polling Parties -MCC teams -Control Rooms -Photography/Videography -Voter Assistant Booths -Counting -Clusters (If any) -For identification of Pardanashin women (Ladies only)
Subject-wise Details (Personnel) (…. Contd.) Format for entry of details of personnel data Collection of data from different offices (Central, State, PSU, Local Bodies) Collection of photographs, electoral details of personnel Formation of database of personnel Randomization Requirement and supply of Personnel Preparation of route chart
Subject-wise Details (Role of Police) Critical Polling Stations Vulnerability Mapping Preventive Measures Model Code of Conduct Electoral Offences Expenditure control Prevention of Defacement of property Poll day/Counting day duties Security at the place of nomination, meetings/Rallies and to Candidates, Observers, Star Campaigner etc. CPF coordination
Subject-wise Details (Transport) Assessment of Vehicles - Trucks -Buses -Mini Buses -Jeeps/small vehicles -Tractors -Tempo/Three wheelers Requisition of vehicles and its service to vehicle owners Collection of vehicles Creation of database Opening of log books/Distribution of coupons Facilitation Centre for registration & issue of postal ballot papers to drivers, cleaners etc.
Subject-wise Details (Transport) (… Contd.) Requirement / Supply of vehicles - Different Cells -Sector Officers -Flying squads -CPF -Police Personnel -Home guards -Polling Personnel -Zonal/Sector Magistrates -Observers -Transport of materials Prompt Payment to vehicle owners Payment to Petrol Pumps
Subject-wise Details (SVEEP & Helpline) For registration of voters For EPIC For Voter turnout For MCC For EVM Awareness For Alternative Documents For Basic Minimum Facilities at Polling Station For facilitation of electors
Subject-wise Details (SVEEP & Helpline) (…. Contd.) Medium of SVEEP -Print Media -Electronic Media -Performing Artists -Interactive Website Search query Call centers -Establishment of Call centers -Publicizing the numbers of Call centers SMS based query
Subject-wise Details (Communication Plan) Identification of Communication shadow zones. Alternative Communication strategy for shadow zone area. Collection of data like Name, Address, Telephone, Mobile, Fax number, of contact persons. Preparation of District-level Communication Plan. Preparation of RO level Communication Plan. Preparation of ARO level Communication Plan. Preparation of Polling Station-wise Communication Plan.
Subject-wise Details (Communication Plan) (…. Contd.) Uploading of Communication Plan data on CEO/ECI Website Identification of Service Providers and their coverage area Medium of Communication - Wireless -Telephone -Mobile phone -Internet -Post -Messanger -Satellite phone -Fax
Subject-wise Details (Material) Preparation of list of election/training materials Rate fixation/Tender Invitation Ballot paper Forms & Envelops Stationary articles Other material Checklist Procurement procedure, schedule Polling station-wise Segregation of Materials Disintegration of PER(Marked Copies) Prompt payments.
Subject-wise Details (MCC) Prevention of Defacement of Property (in the light of new amendment) Use of Loudspeaker Violation of provisions of MV Act Meetings/Processions – Their regulation. Code for Officials Code for Political Parties Videography of critical events MCC Teams & Video watching Teams Daily Reporting Schemes, Appointments Guest House Advertisements in Print/Electronic Media
Subject-wise Details (Election Process) Updation of PER 100% coverage of EPIC/Photo – Distribution of EPIC Polling Stations (Basic Minimum Facilities like Ramp, Drinking water, Toilet etc.) Budget & Finance Personnel Management & Training Materials Nomination, Withdrawal & Scrutiny Allotment of Symbols Meetings with political parties, candidates & press Finalization of list of contesting candidates
Subject-wise Details (Election Process) (…. Contd.) IEC EVMs Ballot Papers Postal Ballot Papers Preparation and distribution of Voters’ Slips Vehicles Law & Order MCC Expenditure Monitoring Complaint Monitoring Counting Statistics
Subject-wise Details (Expenditure Monitoring) Circulation of ECI guidelines Registers for Candidates Circulation of rates Circulation of model proforma of abstract statement for affidavit Schedule of inspection of registers Formation of teams for inspection Training of team members Submission/Uploading of accounts
Subject-wise Details (Law & Order) Availability/Requirement of Force Enforcement of MCC Vulnerability Mapping Specials Drives for crime control Arms Verification Critical Polling Stations Control Room/Helpline/Complaint Monitoring System Security/Deployment Plan Border Sealing Conferment of Powers of Ex. Magistrates. Liquor Consumption and sale Traffic control/Checking of Vehicles/Check Posts.
Subject-wise Details (Observer) Liaison Officers Facilities for observers (Steno, Computer, Internet, Fax, SIM card etc.) Role /Functions of observers Map/Route Map for Observer District Election Plan for Observer Micro Observers and their Training.
How People Learn National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) See only = 30% Hear and See = 50% Hear, See and Talk = 70% Hear, See, Talk and Do = 90% Hear only = 20%
We Learn, We Remember We Learn:We Remember: 1% through taste10% of what we read 1.5% through touch20% of what we hear 3.5% through smell30% of what we see 11% through hearing50% of what we see and hear 83% through sight80% of what we say 90% of what we say as we act Alternative Research indicates: 75% discussing things 85% from doing something yourself 95% from teaching someone else the work
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." Socrates 31