User Driven Innovation in a technology driven project Anastasius Gavras Eurescom GmbH
How to integrate UDI and LL concepts? Aim was to identify and specify requirements for integration of user driven innovation and living labs concepts into Panlab architecture and concept of federated testbeds It looks like the ambition for seamless integration in technology testbeds is more challenging that originally anticipated Integration proposals with Teagle have been made, however the results are limited The supporting tool chain is not complete and it is anticipated that no solid solution can be achieved in the short term We answer the questions: 1.What on UDI testing can be realized and how within existing Panlab architecture and PII project? 2.What can hardly be realized and why? 3.What could be realized in the near future and how? 2
What can be done today? Deploy environments that include pre-subscribed test users Demonstrated at FIA Ghent: “Testing enhanced Web TV services over mobile phones” Focus on the deployment of a pre-configured subscriber database with test user subscriptions Test user IDs are configuration parameters of the deployed resource The “technical” Teagle does not host a test user database Existing commercial services offer the capability to select a set of test users based on a specified profile (“human Teagle”) Integration by interfacing an “export dataset” function of a user database with the configuration interface of the Panlab resource At the technical level this is trivial, however not a holistic test project management solution. Only one step of a UDI process The collection of test user feedback is left to the system under test 3
What can be done today? – Special form Panlab architecture offers the capability to the user (experimenter) to interact with the experimental environment during runtime Federation Computing Interface (FCI) A test end-user can indirectly cause changes in the experimental environment by interacting with the system under test Depends on the service capabilities of the system under test and the service features that it offers to the test end-users Transparent to the test end-user Example use case: A social networking service (system under test) offers to its test end-users the feature to dynamically allocate storage for user generated content Alters the behaviour and configuration of the experimental environment when the request for additional storage space from the system under test. 4
What can be realized in the near future and how? The collection of test user feedback is left to the system under test This means that the experimenter has to assure that his service is also collecting test user feedback. E.g. in the Web TV use case the experimenter would have to probe the test users for feedback as part of the system under test functionality From a technical point of view the collection of user feedback is similar to the collection of any other monitoring data Current capabilities include deployment of monitoring functions as part of the virtual customer testbed (VCT) What makes more sense is the integration of existing services Uuser feedback survey toosl on the Internet Commercial services for managing test users. From the Panlab architecture point of view this integration does not pose research challenges and is a straight forward software engineering task 5
What can hardly be realized and why? The available infrastructure and tools do not support the management of the complete process chain of UDI as an open process including the management of users, communities and related continuous interaction with them The focus of the project in this context was not to deliver a tool for this purpose, but rather to illustrate ways on how the UDI open process could be used in the context of the Panlab federation The given interpretation was to demonstrate haw UDI could be supported by technology testbeds and how technology could integrate seamlessly with UDI Towards this ambition PII made first steps as the answers to the first and third question document 6
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