Flatiron Mobile Device Security Monitor Thomas Horacek Lucas Greve
Everyday important items are lost or stolen
Wireless Monitoring to the Rescue
Objectives Base Station Sound and Vibration Alerts Wireless: Zigbee, RFID, (Bluetooth?) Wireless Mobile Unit Power management Minimize size and Maximize Battery Life User Interface USB connection with computer LCD Display
Possible Expansions Integration of multiple wireless standards for short, medium, and long range device monitoring and protection. Standalone base station where modules could be synced with base station without the need of a computer Modules minimized in size and power draw Additional features for modules Sound and vibration alerts
Hardware Block Diagram
Sub System Implementation RF
Controllers Minimal processing demands, handshake with modules, poll device status Low Power, Low Cost Arduino Open Source Scalable Strong Documentation on interface with RF devices Other controllers available from TI, Amtel, etc.
Power Base Station: AC If possible make it portable with battery power Modules: Battery Power Want to minimize power consumption Small Battery controller and regulator
Human Interface LCD screen to give the user feedback on system status and operation USB interface with computer Possible expansion : addition of modules without the need of a computer Alerts with sound and vibration
Sustainability Parts could be made from multiple manufacturers. Open source micro-controller platform that is available from multiple companies. Limited number of moving parts, modules could be bought separately if individually lost. Wireless standards will be used for communication.
Safety and Regulations All communication protocols will fall within the requirements of the FCC standards. All voltages of the system will be <15 V Users will not interact with any power systems greater than the power that comes from a wall socket.
Risk and Contingency Small Team Scalable project that can adapt in feasibility RF Communication and Identification Issues Use of wireless standards, software solutions to identify our modules from general RF noise Unexpected hardware/software problems Online documentation, built in overhead for hardware failure, Instructors and TA’s
Milestones CDR Communication between modules and base station. Base station and modules can recognize each other. Milestone One Full software implementation and alerts working when modules leave network Milestone Two Full user control with feedback, product is in final packaged state with printed circuit boards and full software
Devision of Labor ThomasLucas Wireless on Module Wireless on Base Station Embedded System Base Station Embedded System Module Software on Modules Software on Base Station Power on Modules Power on Base Station Documentation Small team will allow for both members to have a hand in all aspects of the project
Budget PartPriceQuantitySub-Total Vibration Motor$4.951 XBee 1mW Chip Antenna$45.902$91.80 Arduino Main Board$ Speaker - 0.5W 8Ohm$1.951 Basic 20x4 Character LCD - Black on Green 5V$ RFID Reader ID-12$ RFID Tag - 125kHz$1.951 RFID USB Reader$ PCB Layout$352$70.00 Various Components/Overhead$2001 Total$473.45