Evaluation of craniocerebral traumatisms treated at the Mures County Emergency Hospital between Author: Duka Ede-Botond Supervisor: PhD Dr. Madaras Alexandru neurosurgeon, Clinic of Neurosurgery of Targu Mures
INTRODUCTION Craniocerebral injury is a well represented pathology in the field of neurosurgery Craniocerebral Trauma aka. Traumatic Brain injury is „a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Injuries to the brain are among the most likely to result in death and permanent disability.” ( International Brain Injury Association) Caracteristics that define this type of injury are: Trauma to the head, alteration in consciousness, need for emergency care, secondary injuries and posttraumatic disorders
AIM OF THE STUDY Etiological evaluation of TBI Distribution of TBI occurrence by gender, age groups, urban or rural enviroment Vascular involvement Predisposing factors Mortality ratio and complications To create a baseline statistical evaluation for further studies
MATERIAL AND METHOD We performed a retrospective study on 1496 patients (1201 male, 295 female) hospitalized with the diagnosis of craniocerebral traumatism at the department of Neurosurgery of Mures County Emergency Hospital between Data processing was made by GraphPad,MedCalc and Microsoft Excel Due to statistial purposes, patients were subdivided in multiple categories
Average age is 45 years Most affected patients are between and years old The most affected patients are between years old (the working class )
RESULTS A slightly higher percentage of cases comes from urban enviroment The origin of a patient is important from etiological and diagnostic point of view
RESULTS subdevisionoffalls
Predisposing factors to traumatic brain injury: Age Chronic diseases: Epilepsy Alcoholism
RESULTS Occurance of mortality by gender: (RR= ; P = ) Odds Ratio = ; P= ( 12%/17% -in favor of males )
RESULTS GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) is an important tool in the diagnosis and projection of potential outcome in high risk patients with Craniocerebral Traumatisms High risk patients with -GCS < 8-9 -Severe head trauma -CT showing sever abnormalities who undervent surgery RR=1.3677; P < ( survival ) Proportion of post-operative death was increased by: Cronic alcoholism 35,6% (94 cases) Politrauma 42,8% (113 cases )
With the help of CT, surgical intervention can increase the rate of survival Cronic alcoholism and politrauma CONCLUSIONS Traumatic Brain Injury afflicts in higher percentage men Most cases fall in the age category of years of age, and mostly in the working class Etiology shows the predominance of Falls and Accident There is a high percentage of vascular involvement – any trauma strong enough to cause a fracture will most likely cause hemorrhage Patients diagnosed with CCT have a moderately high level of mortality With the help of CT, surgical intervention can increase the rate of survival Alcohol abuse and epilepsy along with age are the main predisposing factors Postoperative death is mainly caused by aggravating factors such as: Politrauma -> heart, lungs Chronic alcoholism