Monitoring Malware at Runtime
From Last Lecture Malware authors use advanced coding for avoiding detection AnserverBot is a very sophisticate piece of software AVS is lagging behind Low detection rate on new malware Large exposure window before updating DB Main issue: rely only on app signature What we need is a tool to detect runtime behaviour
FireDroid Our group is developing a new Android Security framework FireDroid is capable of monitoring app execution and enforcing security policies No need of modifying Android OS code! Only modification is to insert a line of text in the init.rc file FireDroid enables us to monitor system call execution of apps (and malware)
System Call Interposition System calls are used by apps to interact with the kernel By intercepting sensitive system calls we can enforce security policies to better protect Android We can use FireDroid also to provide us information about the system call executed by apps
Malware Genome Project Collection of 2GB of malware samples We have executed some of these samples within FireDroid sandbox In the following, we are going to see some more details After the semester break, Daniel will provide a live demo
Plankton Communication with a C&C server Sends some info when the installation is complete Together with some setting of the phone
Opening a socket [1743] syscall=socket(281) domain:PF INET6 type:SOCK STREAM protocol:IPPROTO IP ****************************** [1743] syscall=bind(282) socket: socket:[26088] sa family = AF INET6 port = 0 address = :: ****************************** [1743] syscall=connect(283) socket: socket:[26088] sa family = AF INET6 port = 80 address = ******************************
Establishing a connection [****************************** [1743] syscall=sendto(290) socket: socket:[26088] Connected Socket! data len: 168 data: POST /ProtocolGW/installation HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 1426 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Host: Connection: Keep-Alive ****************************** [1743] syscall=sendto(290) socket:socket:[26088] Connected Socket! data len: 1024 data: action=get&applicationId= &developerId= & deviceId= ¤tVersion=-1&permissions=android…..
FakePlayer The main activity is to send SMS It will get the handler for the SMS service from the Service Manager Then sends SMS to premium number (7132) with different subscription codes
Sending SMS [*1905]ioctl on /dev/binder with BINDER WRITE READ cmd:BC TRANSACTION: target name = android.os.IServiceManager target = 0x0 code = SVC _MGR _GET _SERVICE service name = isms data size = 80 ****************************** [*1905]ioctl on /dev/binder with BINDER WRITE READ cmd:BC TRANSACTION: target name = target = 0x9 code = 5 (sendText) data size = 128 Destination: 7132 SMS Body:
AnserverBot Retrieves information from the Telephony services Telephone number International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) This info is quite sensitive because it specifically points at YOU!
Getting the PhoneSubInfo Service [*2071]ioctl on /dev/binder with BINDER WRITE READ cmd:BC TRANSACTION: target name = android.os.IServiceManager target = 0x0 code = SVC MGR GET SERVICE service name = iphonesubinfo ****************************** [*2071]ioctl on /dev/binder with BINDER WRITE READ cmd:BC TRANSACTION: target name = target = 0xe code = 5 data size = 100 data in text format: code 5: getLineNumber: Retrieves the phone number string for line 1
Getting More Info ****************************** … code 1: getDeviceId: Retrieves the unique device ID, e.g., IMEI for GSM phones. ****************************** … code 4: getIccSerialNumber: Retrieves the serial number of the ICC, if applicable. ****************************** … code 2: getDeviceSvn: Retrieves the software version number for the device, e.g., IMEI/SV for GSM phones. ****************************** … code 3: getSubscriberId: Retrieves the unique subscriber ID, e.g., IMSI for GSM phones.
AnserverBot Fetching from Baidu ****************************** [1639] syscall=connect(283) socket: socket:[57270] sa family = AF INET6 port = 80 address = ****************************** [1639] syscall=sendto(290) socket: socket:[57270] Connected Socket! data len: 153 data: GET / HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; sdk Build/MR1)^M Host: Connection: Keep-Alive Accept-Encoding: gzip
AnserverBot Fetching from Baidu [1639] syscall=recvfrom(292) socket: socket:[57270] Connected Socket! data len: 128 data: HTTP/ OK^M Set-Cookie: BAIDUID=127C8FA29422CAB3BA61707A4969F5DB:FG=1; max-age= ; expires=Tue, 29-Oct-13 01:17:10 GM ****************************** [1639] syscall=recvfrom(292) :00:00 GMT; path=/;^M P3P: CP='' OTI DSP COR IVA OUR IND COM ``^M Cache-Control: no-cache^M Content-type: text/html ******************************