Outside Invaders Visigoths had taken over Italy Ostrogoths took over Italy after the Visigoths Germanic Angles & Saxons moved to Britain Later becoming the Anglo- Saxons The only Germanic kingdom to last long was the Franks
Christianity had a become the supreme religion of the Roman Empire Church developed a system of organization ◦ Priests- headed local communities called Parishes. ◦ Group of parishes was headed by the Priests Bishop of Rome claimed the lead in the Roman Catholic Church The Role of the Church
Western Christians accepted the fact that the pope lead the church but could not agree on the amount of power The power of the church would become a major debate throughout this time The Role of the Church
Frankish king lost power to the Mayors of the Palace Pepin, one of these mayors, assume the kingship position. Charles the Great, Pepin’s son, or Charlemagne He expanded the Frankish Kingdom into the Carolingian Empire. Charlemagne & Carolingians
Charlemagne power grew and was later crowned emperor of Rome. His empire would cover much of Western and Central Europe. Charlemagne & Carolingians
Soon after the death of Charlesmagne, Carolingian Empire soon began to fall apart. Carolingian Empire was divided into three parts: 1.East Frankish lands 2.Middle Kingdom 3.Western Frankish lands Feudalism
Outside invaders began to chip away at what was left 1. Magyars- people from western Asia 2. Vikings- Scandinavian group from the north Feudalism
Development of Feudalism ◦ Outside invader began to threaten the security ◦ People began to turn to local landed aristocracy for protection ◦ It became important to find a very powerful Lord to offer protection Thus a new political system- Feudalism Feudalism
Development of Feudalism ◦ Outside invader began to threaten the security ◦ People began to turn to local landed aristocracy for protection ◦ It became important to find a very powerful Lord to offer protection Thus a new political system- Feudalism Feudalism
Armored cavalry Expensive (horse, armor, weapons, & horse’s armor) 7 = page,13 = squire, = knighted (if worthy) Tournaments Code of chivalry: defend the defenseless & the church, treat captives as guests, fight for glory By 1500: technology took power & “knight” became a title of honor, not really military
Higher & lesser lords & peasants Side note: clergy also fell within Within the ladder depending upon their rank
Latin: castellum = fort #1 purpose = defense Feudal lord’s residence Walls, motte, bailey, keep w/ great hall