CATUS Youth Section Sekcija mladih SSSS Mobilizing youth for action -Serbia –
What to mobilize youth for? Promote what we stand for; bring demands to public Make youth heard Receive support and discuss Build partnerships Influence decision-making Receive feedback and be more representative Main topics: Position of youth and labour issues
What does the Youth Section do? Education of young TU activists Discussions and conferences Adoption of positions Networking cooperation and sharing expertize Projects Actions on local (case study), branch and national level On national level with youth NGOs (NYCS)
Youth Section of the Autonomous Metalworkers Union of Serbia had organised a pro-Union campaign From 8 – 11 july 2013 in city of Novi Sad (and in 2012) „Young Europeans in Act - You are the Union too!“ 70 young unionists metalworkers from Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia has participated in a public campaign Support of the Regional Fridriech Ebert Stiftung Project The goal of campaign was to promote Unity, activism and unionism among young people, just before the largest music festival in South East Europe „EXIT“. The idea was to meet young people at places they go to, and that is the music festival.
EXIT 2013 R REVOLUTION Stand up for the rights of the youth and for social justice, get organized in a trade union! Fight for decent employment and good education!
Practicing Performance - On lobbying + public actions -
Campaign in front of the Trade Union House
Campaign in front of the Trade Union House and in the Park
Campaign on the promotion of the idea of organizing in the Union in 2012 (video): atch?v=a-GVvWu0wBc We want to be heard!
Thank you! Web-site: Facebook group (Sekcija mladih SSSS) 51/