ssmall country in Europe oone of the most attractive holiday destinations in Europe hhas 1,778km of coastline along the Adriatic sea
CCapital and the biggest city
Sunniest one
Has one of the most beautiful beaches caled Zlatni Rat
LLongest mountain range in Croatia and the largest protected nature park
Highest mountain in Croatia
One of the six largest amphitheatres in the world
Smallest town in the world
One of the most beautiful cities in Croatia
DDubrovnik’s moto LLiberty in Latin HHas been one of its most precious words troughout its long history
Largest oak forests
TThe biggest city in Croatia
WWas the town that suffered the greatest destruction in the Croatian Homeland War
SSinjska alka ‘‘Špancirfest’ FFestival of Baroque Music
BBarbara Milača 66.a