University of Arkansas Senior Project- When Pigs Soar
When Pigs Soar (WPS) Dominic Rose- Team Captain Michael Baldwin- Design Engineering Lead Adam Yawn- Safety Officer, Design Engineer Brock Robertson- Design Engineer Dexter Payne- Design Engineer Ken Semon- Design Engineer, PR Specialist Jacqui Seymour- Design Engineer Ben Cabell- Electronics Engineering Lead Colton Stanton- Electronic Engineer Sam Engel- Electronic Engineer Jesse Davis- Electronic Engineer John-Mark Vaughan- PR Lead, Electronic Engineer Dr. Adam Huang- Advisor Jeff Pummill- Adult Mentor Tripoli member #: Tripoli Tulsa & Kansas Level 2 Certified
Summary Size: 63.5 in. High, Diameter: 4 in. Mass: 117 oz. Motor: Cesaroni I350SS Recovery System: Two 72 in parachutes with drogues 36 in heavy duty thread Objective: Design a AGSE to autonomously load a payload. We will design a rocket that will reach an apogee of 3000 ft. At apogee the main recovery system will deploy Upon return the payload will be ejected at 1000 ft Both the payload and rocket stages will return safely.
Vehicle Criteria: Design 2 Stages Upper Stage with main parachute system Lower (payload) Stage with payload, engine, and secondary parachute system Mass (with engine): 117 oz. Center of Pressure: inches from tip Center of Gravity: inches from tip Stability Margin: 1.58 calibers Center of Pressure Center of Gravity
Rocket Stages Stage 1 Stage 2
Component Breakdown
Structural Material Cardboard- Light, rigid, can manage load Aircraft Plywood Easy to work with 3 structural Bulkheads/ Support motor casing Aluminum Motor casing Structurally strong Rip Stop Nylon Tear resistant- parachute Fiber Glass Strong and Light Weight Nose Cone
Vehicle Criteria: Motor Specs Cesaroni P38-5G Smokey Sam (I350) Size: 38mm Total Weight: g (42.17 oz) Total Impulse: 601 N-s (79.16 lb-s) Max Thrust: 399 N (89.87 lb) Burn Time: 1.71 sec nt_Kits/38mm_Motors/5-Grain_Motors/Cesaroni_P38- 5G_Smoky_Sam_I350
Cesaroni “I” Motor Thrust Curve
Vehicle Criteria: Recovery Subsystem BeagleBone Black rev C Collects data from Altimeter Altimeter: PerfectFlite APRA Drogue parachutes Ejection Charge (1)
Recovery System: Step-by-Step Event 1 Ejection charge deploys drogue chute at apogee (nose cone) Event 2 Stage 1 is released from Stage 2 at 1100 ft Using Servo Motor Stage 2 parachute deployed Event 3 Stage 1 and 2 land separately, but safely
Vehicle Criteria: Performance The characteristics via OpenRocket An apogee of 3084 ft.. Motor : Cesaroni Technology Incorporated I350SS reloadable 601 total impulse A maximum velocity is 648 ft../s Achieving a Mach number of 0.58 A maximum acceleration at launch is 443 ft.^2/s
Vehicle Criteria: Performance Stability of Margin: 1.58 calipers Deployment Stage 1 (Bottom Section) Kinetic Energy: ft.-lb Velocity: 15 ft../s Stage 2 (Top Section) Kinetic Energy: 6.74 ft..- lb. Velocity: 12 ft../s
Performance Data: Wind Speed 0 mph Estimated drift distance: 2.3 ft..
Performance Data: Wind Speed 5 mph Estimated drift distance: Top: 1,400 ft.. Bottom: 1,700 ft..
Performance Data: Wind Speed 10 mph Estimated drift distance Top: 2,500 ft.. Bottom: 3,500 ft..
Performance Data: Wind Speed 15 mph Estimated drift distance Top: 4,500 ft. Bottom: 5,000 ft.
Performance Data: Wind Speed 20 mph Estimated drift distance Top: 6,000 ft. Bottom: 7,000 ft. PROBLEMATIC
Vehicle Criteria: Risks
AGSE: Design Goals: Load Autonomously Withstand weight of payload Simple Cycle time less than 10 minutes Payload Interface Pronged arm- static friction to hold payload AGSE Motor #1 Lifts arm with payload to loading height AGSE Motor #2 Fixture rotates forcing payload onto ramp
Project Plan: Budget
Funding: The Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Arkansas Contribute $2,000
Primitive Schedule