Question(s) of the Day Answer the following questions on a piece of paper and put your name at the top. You have 8 minutes to complete the questions of the day. Good luck!
When manufacturing a technical object, it is often necessary to define the mechanical properties of different materials in order to make the most suitable choice. Which mechanical property is sought in each of the following examples?
a)a plastic that keeps its shape even when twisted b)wooden flooring that resists indentation by pointed objects, such as shoe heels c)a metal that stretches well to make wire d)a boat hull that resists shocks caused by running into shoals e)a material that bends easily, without breaking, to make eavestroughing ( A channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater)channel alongeavesroofcollectscarries awayrainwater
Answer 1)a plastic that keeps its shape even when twisted. Answer: Stiffness 2) wooden flooring that resists indentation by pointed objects, such as shoe heels Answer: Hardness 3) a metal that stretches well to make wire Answer: Ductility
Answer 4) a boat hull that resists shocks caused by running into shoals. Answer: Resilience 5) a material that bends easily, without breaking, to make eavestroughing Answer: Malleability
Question of Day Recuperation after school Notes on Chapter 12 Web Exploration # I2 (FL) - Engineering Class Work Quest for those that didn’t write on Friday. Ch. 12 – Manufacturing Technical Objects
**Modified Wood: Is treated wood or a material made from wood mixed with other substances. Plywood is made from thin veneers (thin sheets of wood) glued together
**Ceramic: Various hard, brittle, heat- resistant and corrosion-resistant materials made by shaping and then firing a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, at a high temperature.
Space shuttle is built with a heat shield containing nearly ceramic tiles that resist temperatures up to 1650 degrees.
**Alloy: A mixture of a metal with one or more other substances, which can be metal or nonmetal. coppercopper, magnesium, manganese, silicon and zinc.magnesiummanganesesilicon zinc
Main cause of metal and alloy degradation is oxidation, which causes corrosion. So we treat the surface with a coating. Zinc, chrome, gold, silver, nickel
Galvanized nails are a special type of nail used in construction. Galvanized nails have undergone a special galvanization process, which involves covering them with a zinc coating in order to form a protective barrier. This barrier also works as a sacrificial anode, which means the coating will dissolve before the metal inside does, if the barrier itself becomes damaged.zinc
Class Work 1)Read pages of the textbook Complete p of workbook (# 50)