2011 Missionary Prayer Guide November 6, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Bo and Patsy: 1. For partnering churches to assist in new church plants—multiple partnering churches are needed for many church plants. 2. For each new church plant pastor and his family. 3. For the wives of church planters as they discover their roles. 4. For their family since Bo is gone several nights a week. 5. For safety in travel across the state.
2011 Missionary Prayer Guide November 13, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Ken and Jana: 1. For the strengthening of outreach/connections with young church musicians. 2. For the training events. 3. For increased opportunities to dialogue with pastors about church music. 4. For safety in travel across Oklahoma.
2011 Missionary Prayer Guide November 20, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Floyd and Sylvia: 1. For national lay leaders to hear God’s call and to respond to that call to help begin new churches. 2. For local churches to take responsibility to reach out to those around them who have not heard the Gospel. 3. For volunteers to come and serve a week or more, assisting local churches in starting new works. 4. For wisdom in planning further ministry in this area.
2011 Missionary Prayer Guide November 27, 2011 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Jesús and Marcela: 1. For the 400 ethnic churches to catch a vision of the lost around them and seek to bring them to Christ. 2. For the churches to become more involved in cross-cultural ministries to reach different people groups. 3. For the training and development of indigenous leadership in evangelism, discipleship, Christian education and church planting. 4. For good health and safety in traveling across the state.