SOCRATIC SEMINARS Socrates - 470/469 BC – 399 BC Greek Philosopher
SOCRATIC METHOD The Socratic method is based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to clarify ideas The purpose is NOT to “prove that you are right”
BASIC GUIDELINES Don’t raise hands Listen carefully Address one another respectfully Base any opinions on the text No side conversations Use sensitivity to take turns and not interrupt others Monitor ‘air time’
What Does the Seminar Look Like? The classroom will be arranged in two concentric circles. We will be having 1 seminar each day. When you are in the inner-circle, you will be participating in discussion. If you are in the outer-circle, you will be observing and taking notes.
SAMPLE RESPONSES Ideally, this should be a flowing conversation, but if you need help, consider the following: We can look at this same concept in a different way… (offer another perspective on the same topic) Do you think…? If that is what you think, then what does it mean when the author says…? Do you agree that…? While I agree about A, I think we can look at B differently… [insert new evidence or perspective] If that is true, then what about… [insert contradictory perspective] I think that is a good point, but also think about [insert other perspective] What if we change it to this way of looking at it? [insert scenario]
If you agree with what is being said… Do not simply say, “I agree with [student’s name]. Try to think of another perspective to offer. Give new/different evidence to support the statement If you’ve gotten good ‘air time’, and you completely agree with what is being said and cannot think of something for 1. and 2., feel free to just listen.
GRADING PART I, Analysis and Reasoning Did you… Ask at least two questions? Respond to at least one question? Cite reasons and evidence for your statements with support from the text? Demonstrate that you have given thoughtful consideration to the topic? Provide relevant and insightful comments? Demonstrate organized thinking? Move the discussion to a deeper level? Have more than one question prepared for each question level?
GRADING PART II, _____ Discussion Skills Did you… Speak loudly and clearly? Stay on topic? Talk directly to other students rather than the teacher? Stay focused on the discussion? Invite other people into the discussion? Not simply repeat what others have already said?
GRADING PART III, _____ Civility Did you… Listen to others respectfully? Enter the discussion in a polite manner? Avoid inappropriate language (slang, swearing)? Avoid hostile exchanges? Question others in a civil manner?