Research Reports about using the Blended Learning Saima Tiirmaa-Oras (UT) Cecilie Hansen (UiB) B-Learn – Assisting teachers of traditional universities in designing blended learning CP EE-MINERVA-M Socrates Minerva programme
What is B-Learn To offer a number of tested ways that integrate traditional learning methods with methods offered by new technology.
WP2 in B-Learn Collection and meta-analysis of research results on blended learning Methodological framework Searching data-bases Systematizing information Writing reports
Project towards a excellence: Team: Bergen, Helsinki, Tartu Reports on: –Theories of BL –Strategies for integrating BL within Traditional European Universities –Academic research related to BL –Commercial best practice on BL
Reporting previous research on BL: [Re]search basing on: Journal Articles, Technical monographs, Research reports Books, Anthologies, Business reports Web pages, Power Points, Manuscripts 4 deliverables
Deliverable 2.1 Theories on Blended Learning terms and definitions pedagogical theories using blended learning approaches in introducing blended learning as didactical method
Blended learning – what it is? Combination of different training “media” to create an optimum training program for a specific audience [Bersin] Mix of different didactic methods and delivery formats [Kerres & De Witt] Blended Teaching or Blended Learning
Deliverable 2.2 BL within Traditional European Universities Examples from: –teacher education –language education –health education –social science&humanities –engineering and natural sciences The selection basing on good experience
Example from Teacher Education. Norway Procedure: didactical use of ICT was integrated to all disciplines Results: focus moving away form scheduled lectures towards new educational forms Challenge: move form delivering separate ICT courses to developing multi-disciplinary teaching material with ICT.
Example from Language Education. UK Procedure. The students participated in two different modes of learning (blended learning vs distance) Results: BL mode was much more effective in student retention, whilst student achievement levels were similar in both groups Feed-Back:most students in both groups satisfied with the web-based programme
Example from Health education. UK Procedure. New teaching and learning resources developed using WebCT combined with a wide range of video clips of patients with neurological disorders on CD-ROM Results. Opportunity to observe "real patients" prior to clinical placements (bridging the gap between their theoretical understanding and practical experience)
Example from social science & humanities education Back-ground: Producing texts as major part of the education. Longer history of Use of technology Procedure: four distinct semester-long treatments, which varied the mixes of classroom and online discussion Results: Better performance (in the online environment) at multiple levels of learning outcomes Challenge: The precepts of the case method pedagogy may be enhanced by the use of online discussions
Example from engineering and natural science education Procedure: BL model that included a brief didactic introduction followed by small group (7-8 students) web-based modules with rotating lab instructors Improvement: self-study cases prior to the lab, follow-up cases, optional review sessions)
Deliverable 2.3 Academic research and projects Integration of technology Results of communication Effects on the didactics Organizational changes based on BL Appendix with a thorough list of other projects dealing with BL
Integration of technology and technological standards Lack of standards Lack of skills Integration of ICT in different disciplines
Deliverable 2.4 Blended Learning used in commercial practice 1. BL models in the commercial practice 2. Examples on BL in industry
Models in commercial practice Opportunity for tailoring learning “Program flow” and “core-and-spoke” models [Bersin] Quick and dynamic
Discussion WP2: State-of-the-art vs our vision of BL? BL growing trend, but to be replaced …? For B-Learn: Reports as well as database to be mounted to EPSS Ideas for Follow-up project?
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