My Reflections Action Research (Capstone Course): Reflective Journal Jennifer L. Ceville ED Dr. Hargiss Unit 10—May 30, 2006 Kaplan University
Action Research (Capstone Course) By learning how to integrate current research methodology and technology in the development of an Action Research Proposal that contributes to the improvement of educational practice and evaluating personal knowledge of pedagogical content and professional growth and reflection by creating an Electronic Presentation Portfolio demonstrates how I have achieved the five M.A.T.L. program competencies. The intent of this reflective journal is to illustrate how Kaplan University, especially, this course helped me employ my time in improving myself as Socrates puts it, by using what others have labored hard for. "Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.“ ~ Socrates
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice: Using course theory and independent research, describe how your teaching practice has been improved. The artifact of your choice should show a direct relationship between practice and outcome. It should demonstrate your deep understanding of concepts/strategies and your improved knowledge, skills, behaviors. –The Artifact: Action Research Proposal.
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice: –The Artifact: Action Research Proposal.
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice Prior to this course I never did extensive research, never even conducted a literature review. The reason I even knew what a literature review was from the research analyses I had completed with my other Kaplan University classes. As I have a marketing degree, I understood the importance of using surveys to gather data, however I did not realize that this same concept could be applied to my teaching and what my students have learned. After taking this course, I have been able to use work I completed in the Action Research Proposal (Ceville, 2006, May 23) to help my ELL.
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice Because I wanted to determine which ELL strategies worked best with my ELL when teaching them PowerPoint I was essentially meeting the needs of my diverse learners (Performance Indicator 1P1) by implementing proven ELL strategies. The Needs Assessment Survey provided useful information that helped me make well- informed decisions that promoted student learning (Performance Indicator 1P2).
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice For example, results from the survey indicated that using a volunteer translator as most beneficial for my ELL when teaching them PowerPoint. In future classes, I will enlist volunteers to help me translate materials for my ELL on a regular basis. Furthermore, the literature review and extensive research involved in the action research shows how I began to expand my professional knowledge base through reading, research and writing, and participation in professional networks and organizations (Knowledge Indicator 5K1).
1. Improvement in Teaching Practice I was amazed at how helpful people truly are. For example, let me explain about one source of information that I was able to use due to other’s helpfulness. I saw a reference to a study in an article, but the actual study was not online with the article so on a whim I decided to the authors of the research and to my surprise, they ed me the results of their study and gave me their blessings to use them as a reference. Not only could I use them as a source of information, they provided me with more sources to use with my research. As I reflect now, I should have known they would have been helpful because as a whole, educators love to share their knowledge not only with their students but fellow educators as well!
2. Mastery of Program Competencies: The artifact of your choice should match one or more of the five program competencies. Thoroughly describe how the artifact displays your mastery in the specific program competencies. –The Artifact: EPP Commentary.
2. Mastery of Program Competencies: –The Artifact: EPP Commentary.
2. Mastery of Program Competencies: In my EPP Commentary assignment (Ceville, 2006, May 09), I was able to demonstrate through various artifacts how I’ve improved my teaching practices, mastery of Program competencies and the impact I have on my students learning. Keeping an electronic portfolio allows me to reflect on my growth and make changes to my teaching. It also gives me a wonderful opportunity to show future employers my talent in the technology field and how Kaplan University has improved upon my teaching. I have been able to demonstrate that I can think systematically about your practice and learn from experience (Program Competency #4).
2. Mastery of Program Competencies: By including my reflective journals in my online EPP I am able to show my understanding of the reflective decision-making process as an aid to teaching and learning (Knowledge Indicator 4K1). Year after year I can add to my EPP and evaluate my effectiveness of my teaching practices (Performance Indicator 4P1). It’s not a finished product rather an ongoing journal of my teaching.
3. Impact on Student Learning: Reflect on how your K-12 student learners clearly exhibit vast improvement in critical thinking skills, subject matter and/or behavior. Describe how the artifact documents evidence of specific classroom tools used to show a positive impact on student learning in the short-term or long- term. The artifact proves a direct relationship between practice and impact. –The Artifact: Philosophy of Education Statement.
3. Impact on Student Learning: –The Artifact: Philosophy of Education Statement.
3. Impact on Student Learning: In my first Kaplan University course, Introduction to the MATL Program I had to create a Philosophy of Education Statement (Ceville, 2005). In comparison, the Philosophy of Education Statement (Ceville, 2006, May 16) demonstrates just how far I’ve come as an educator. I owe this growth to my Kaplan University coursework. I knew when I created the first statement that I had a lot of work to do, in fact the two are nothing alike.
3. Impact on Student Learning: The first was full of catchy phrases and generalizations. The second statement has more grit; it gets to the heart of my teaching and it shows my commitment to my students, parents, and teaching profession. When viewers read my Philosophy of Education Statement they can see how I am committed to my students and their learning (Program Competency #1).
Thank YOU! Background music playing, “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash. That beautiful sunrise…photographed in Iraq by my darling husband, Orlando G. Ceville, Jr. Now that I’ve reached the end of my journey with Kaplan, “It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day!” Any comments, questions, concerns? me!
References Ceville, J. L. (2005, December 5). Philosophy of education statement. Retrieved May 22, 2006, from nt.doc nt.doc Ceville, J. L. (2006, May 16). Philosophy of education statement. Retrieved May 22, 2006, from oc oc Ceville, J. L. (2006, May 23). Action research proposal: Bridging English Language Learners' Communications Gap in Computer Education 6-8 Grades. Retrieved May 22, 2006, from Ceville, J. L. (2006, May 9). Electronic presentation portfolio commentary. Retrieved May 22, 2006, from