The Basics Vision: New synthesis of statistical sciences and applied mathematical sciences with disciplinary science to confront data- and model-driven scientific challenges Structure: Partnership of Duke, NCSU, UNC, and NISS Funding: Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes program of the NSF/DMS, William R. Kenan, Jr. Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science Management: James Berger (Duke), H. T. Banks (NCSU), J. S. Marron (UNC), Alan F. Karr (NISS)
SAMSI Programs 2-3 research programs per year At interfaces: Involve both statistics and applied math, as well as –Probability –Computational sciences –Operations research Framed and guided by disciplinary needs Catalytic rather than conclusional
SAMSI Programs –Stochastic Computation –Inverse Problem Methodology in Complex Stochastic Models –Large-Scale Computer Models for Environmental Systems –Data Mining and Machine Learning –Network Modeling for the Internet –Multiscale Model Development and Control Design –Computational Biology of Infectious Disease –Data Assimilation –Social Sciences
Opportunities for Participation Undergraduates: SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshops (1 day, 2 day, 1 week) Graduate students –Research programs –IMSMW: Industrial Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Workshops (10 days) Postdocs: 2+ year appointments, in collaboration with NISS, universities, … Established researchers, including young researchers –Workshops –Research visits (short- and long-term) –SAMSI-University Fellowships –Program proposals and leadership