2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Nile geography Nile vocabulary Nile Civilizations Egypt’s rulers Egypt’s kingdoms
Name the longest river in the world
What is the Nile?
The Nile River flows in this direction toward the Mediterranean Sea
What is north?
Name the city where the Blue Nile and the White Nile meet
What is Khartoum?
Name the civilization located between the first and second cataract
What is lower Nubia?
Name the civilization located between the second and sixth cataract
What is Upper Nubia?
The rich, fertile soil deposited by the flooding of a river is called this
What is silt?
What do we call the rock-filled rapids of a river?
What are cataracts?
What is a triangle-shaped area of rich farmland near the mouth of a river?
What is delta?
The desert beyond the fertile river banks is called
What is the red land?
The dark soil left by the Nile’s floods is called
What is the black land or Kemet?
This enabled Egyptian trade
What is the Nile?
Who traded on land routes through the Nile Valley
Who were the Nubians?
The year communities began to appear in lower Egypt
What is 4000 BC?
This Greek historian called Egypt “the gift of the Nile”
Who was Herodotus?
Name an item traded by the Nubians
What is ebony wood, elephant tusks, ostrich feathers and eggs, panther skins, or a “throw-stick” ?
Respected title of an Egyptian king
What is pharaoh?
A family of rulers
What is a dynasty?
Someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule
What is a regent?
Stepmother of Thutmose III, who ruled Egypt for about 22 years
Who was Hatshepsut?
He began the first dynasty, united Upper and Lower Egypt and built the city of Memphis
Who was Menes?
One of the greatest rulers of The New Kingdom. He studied plants and led his armies into battles
Who was Thutmose III?
He conquered ancient Egypt in 332 BC
Who was Alexander the Great?
time period when order was restored and irrigation projects and canals built
What was the Middle Kingdom?
large armies were developed at this time
What was the New Kingdom?
Time period when Egypt had good rulers and a well-run government
What was the Old Kingdom?