Ancient Egypt & Nubia Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Sec 1 Geography and History Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Find out how the geography of the Nile changes as the river runs its course. Learn about the types of communities that first appeared along the Nile, and how the Nile was used for trade. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: What would be some benefits to living near the Nile River? Agenda: Warm Up Read pgs. 70-75 Show Ancient Egypt Life on the Nile (Prentice Hall movie) Answer questions on page 75 #1 & 2 Homework: None
Chapter 1 Sec 1 Geography and History Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Find out how the geography of the Nile changes as the river runs its course. Learn about the types of communities that first appeared along the Nile, and how the Nile was used for trade. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: What is the title of the person that rules Egypt? Agenda: Warm Up Female Rulers
Female Pharaohs Cleopatra Hatshepsut
Chapter 3 Sec 2 The Rulers of Egypt Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Find out how the geography of the Nile changes as the river runs its course. Learn about the types of communities that first appeared along the Nile, and how the Nile was used for trade. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: Look at pages 76 & 77, how does this art show how advanced Egyptian culture was for their time period? (hint look at the older art work on page 68) Agenda: Warm Up Read pgs. 76-81 Show King Tut movie (united streaming) 25 minutes Homework: Answer #1 & 2 page 81
King Tut Movie Questions How did King Tut’s age affect his ability to rule? How did King Tut’s chief take advantage of his position? Give an important event during King Tut’s rule.
Chapter 3 Sec 3 Egyptian Religion Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Learn about the Egyptians gods and goddesses. Find out about the Egyptians’ belief in the afterlife. Discover how and why the pharaohs’ tombs were built. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? What role did religion play in Egyptian life? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: If you had to build a pyramid during the times of the Ancient Egyptians, how would you organize a group of people to move the huge stones to make the pyramid? Agenda: Warm Up Read pgs. 82-87 The Great Sphinx (united Streaming) 2 minutes Great Sphinx activity Homework: Using a Route Map handout (TE pg.212)
The Great Sphinx of Egypt A sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a person, a hawk, or a ram. Ancient Egyptian sculptors made statues of sphinxes to honor kings and queens. In Egyptian art, kings are often shown as lions defeating their enemies. To the Egyptians, the sphinx stood for royal power and protection. Alongside the pyramids in the desert near Giza, Egypt, is a huge monument called the Great Sphinx. The Great Sphinx has a human face. On its head is a royal headdress. The statue lies near the pyramid of King Khafre, a Fourth Dynasty ruler. The sphinx’s face is thought to be a portrait of Khafre. The Great Sphinx was built about 4,500 years ago. It is the oldest and most famous statue of a sphinx. It is also the largest, measuring 240 feet long and about 66 feet high. Click the picture to find a link
Directions for Great Sphinx of Egypt Activity Egyptians made the Sphinx to honor King Kafre You will: Design a creature to represent You and the things that you want people to remember about you. (ex. Activities you like, sports, beliefs) Create a model of your creature along with an explanation of your symbols.
Chapter 3 Sec 4 Egyptian Religion Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Find out about the everyday life of the ancient Egyptians. Learn about writing in ancient Egypt. Discover advances made by the Egyptians in science and medicine. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: Look at page 93, write your name using hieroglyphics! Agenda: Warm Up Read pgs. 90-95 Answer #1-3 Writing Activity Homework: Understanding a Route Map (TE 217)
What Social class would you find at the top of the pyramid?
Pharaoh Upper Class Very small group. Made up of Priests, members of the Pharaohs Court and Nobles
Pharaoh Upper Class Middle Class Very small group. Made up of Priests, members of the Pharaohs Court and Nobles Merchants and skilled workers Middle Class
Not a very large class. They farmed and built roads & temples. Pharaoh Upper Class Very small group. Made up of Priests, members of the Pharaohs Court and Nobles Merchants and skilled workers Middle Class Not a very large class. They farmed and built roads & temples. Peasants
Not a very large class. They farmed and built roads & temples. Pharaoh Upper Class Very small group. Made up of Priests, members of the Pharaohs Court and Nobles Merchants and skilled workers Middle Class Not a very large class. They farmed and built roads & temples. Peasants Slaves Small group. Prisoners captured were made into slaves.
Chapter 3 Sec 5 The Cultures of Nubia Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Examine the relationship between Nubia and Egypt. Learn about and Nubian kingdoms centered in Kerma, Napata, and Meroe. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: Look at the map on page 100. Which metal was found between the second and third cataracts of the Nile River. Agenda: Warm Up Go over questions from homework and page 95 Read 98-102 Notes for Chapter 3 Assessment questions on page 102 Homework: Writing Activity on page 102
Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Summary "Egypt is the gift of the Nile," wrote the Greek historian Herodotus. The Nile did indeed provide the Egyptians with many necessities of life and their civilization was built along its fertile shores. Egyptian and Nubian kingdoms ruled the banks of the Nile for over two thousand years.
Section 1: The Geography of the Nile Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Section 1: The Geography of the Nile The Nile is the world's longest river. It flows north from its sources in central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, a distance of more than 4,000 miles. Its waters are ideal for farming and trade.
Section 2: The Rulers of Egypt Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Section 2: The Rulers of Egypt The first dynasty of Egypt began when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt. This union began one of the most stable civilizations in history. The Egyptian pharaohs successfully ruled this large civilization for over 2,500 years.
Section 3: Egyptian Religion Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Section 3: Egyptian Religion The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. They developed a system of mummifying bodies to preserve them for the afterlife. During their lifetimes, many pharaohs built large pyramids to house their bodies after their death.
Section 4: Ancient Egyptian Culture Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Section 4: Ancient Egyptian Culture The ancient Egyptians were farmers as well as successful traders. Their society was divided into several social classes with men and women as equals. The Egyptians mastered an amazing amount of knowledge that led to advances in writing, astronomy, and medicine.
Section 5: The Cultures of Nubia Chapter 3 Notes Egypt Section 5: The Cultures of Nubia Several civilizations rose and fell in Nubia. Powerful kingdoms were centered in the cities of Kerma, Napata, and Meroë. The Nubians developed remarkable skills in the making of pottery as well as iron weapons and tools.
Palette Activity The Cultures of Nubia Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Examine the relationship between Nubia and Egypt. Learn about and Nubian kingdoms centered in Kerma, Napata, and Meroe. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: Write down Homework Agenda: Warm Up Palette Activity Homework: Get movie permission slip signed
Seaford Middle School This Palette represents the SPIRIT of SMS. The people represent ____________. The man with the stick represents __________. The two people swimming at the bottom of the palette represent ____________. The scène at the top right represents __________.
List the characteristics of your group Name Your Group List the characteristics of your group
Create Your Scene Draft
Palette Activity The Cultures of Nubia Chapter 3 Objectives: Students will: Examine the relationship between Nubia and Egypt. Learn about and Nubian kingdoms centered in Kerma, Napata, and Meroe. Essential Question: How has geography shaped the patterns of history? Geography Standard 1-4 History Standard 4 Warm Up: Clear off your desk! Agenda: Palette Activity Have A Great Weekend!