Back to School Night Mrs. DeMarquez Olympians Room 26
Agenda Introduction What’s New in Middle School Curriculum Important Information Homework & Grading Classroom Management Questions ?
Introducing Mrs. DeMarquez 16 th year in Cambrian District 15 years at Farnham: Reading Intervention staff- 1/2 year 4 th grade- 5 years 3 rd grade- 7 year 5 th grade- 2.5 years And Now 6 th grade at Price! San Jose Native SJSU and National Family active in the Cambrian community Love to stay active
What’s New in Middle School Multiple classes and teachers Various schedules Greater independence and responsibility No report cards- Power SchoolPower School Student led conferences Dressing for PE Dances School wide competitions/ school spirit After school sports Clubs All school trip (end of year)
Bell Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Friday- Regular Schedule Wednesday, Thursday- Block Schedule CLICK HERE
Standards Based Curriculum Common Core Standards California State Common Core Standard Sacramento County Office of Education eStandards Focus Shifting to 21 st Century learning and skills Higher level thinking (depth of knowledge) Collaboration Technology integration College and career readiness
Mathematics Book CGP California Mathematics rational numbers & Absolute value Fractions & decimals Ratios, proportions & rates Quantitative relationships Expressions Common Core Curriculum Units Problem solving hands-on and engaging Group and individual practice Deeper understanding Big shift for students- THINKING! Dot and Number talks Development of spatial reasoning number sense, academic vocabulary, precise communication
Science Book: Earth Science California (Holt) Resources Plate tectonics Oceans and atmosphere Changes in the Earth’s surface
Social Studies Book: World History: Ancient Civilizations (McDougal Littell) World Geography Early Man Mesopotamia Early empires Ancient Egypt, India, China,, America Ancient & Classical Greece Rise & fall of Rome History of world religions
Important Information School Agenda Very Important information- Important to read Absence Notify office (extension 102) Work for the day Absent work 1 additional day for each day absent Oops passes/ Homework passes Proud Grams at store & in class rewards Oops Pass= 1 additional day for 1 forgotten assignment for full credit MUST HAVE SIGNED NOTE Homework Pass: excuses only 1 piece of homework (not projects!)
Retakes Tests/quizzes Must be retaken within 1 week of grade entered/test returned Scores are averaged for final grade May have 1 retake on a test/quiz Student’s responsibility to make retake requests - Retakes completed on student’s free (brunch, lunch, after school, before school (by appointment) - Retake not turned in promptly will result in original score being kept
Homework Reinforces classroom learning homework agenda- student responsibility to write assignments down Class web page resource- secondary source! Rubric Completion & effort vs. correctness Students may turn in late with an parent signed note & oops pass. No note=no credit! Math homework will be regular Science & social studies homework will be occasional and will include long term projects periodically. Project timelines will be coordinated between teachers to the best of our ability
Only work intended to assess will be given a letter grade Homework scored on effort & completion Classwork scored on effort, completion, accuracy Late homework & classwork w/o oops pass or note will not be accepted Late projects lowered 5% each day it is late Grading Grade Scale A+ 100 C A C F 0-49 A C B D B D B D % Homework/Classwork 35% Tests/Quizzes 15% Projects 10% Behavior/Participation
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Recognitions of effort and choices Proud Grams (school rewards) Team Points School privileges Consequences Natural and logical Call home Referrals Detentions
Home-School Communication Parent list (Please send “homework” so I can add you to the list) Progress reports for students at risk (mid quarter) Power School grade book Power School In person Web page (under construction!)
Contact Information Add “Price Parent” to subject line Phone: x 326
Thank You! Questions?