Ancient Egypt By Zoe, Beth and Emily.T
Tutankhamen Tutankhamen became a king when was 8/9. He died when he was 18/19 His tomb was never touched by robbers. People think that there was a curse on his tomb. He got married when he was young.
Mummies Mummies were wrapped in bandages and got covered in spices. They took out everything but the heart. They would stuff the body,leave it for days. They removed the stuffing and put it in the tomb, not a coffin.
Pyramids It took more then 100,000 men to build the pyramid. It took 20 years to build the Great Pyramid. When the river Nile flooded all the men only could work for the pharaoh. The blocks weighed more than 400 men.
Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics is made from two Greek words. Hiero means holy. Glyphe means writing. It is picture writing.