Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Sustainability Assessment of Food Technologies, Products and Value Chains (SAF) Paolo Masoni, Lorenza Daroda, Vittoria Fatta, Alessandra Zamagni
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry What it is about Offers capabilities, services and activities for the life cycle sustainability assessment of food technologies, products and the greening of the value chains. Develops, applies, manages and transfers methods, models, tools (software, databases) and technical guidelines for the quantification of the environmental social and economic impacts, based on a life cycle approach.
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Activites SAF supports the sustainable design and development of new products and food technologies; Assesses the environmental, economic and social impacts of food products; Supports the efficient and trustable communication of the sustainability quality of the food products
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Value proposition Performs research and development of new methods, models and tools; Trains and transfers knowledge, methods and tools to service’s networks and consultancy firms, so as to meet the requests of the whole European food industry; Provides services to food industry
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Technical requirements SAF integrates existing and new methods and models for the life cycle analysis of environmental, economic and social aspects of the food industry. Multidisciplinary approach Satisfies the SME requests of tailored methods and tools, user-friendliness, standardization and transparency. Integrates existing research infrastructures
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Services offered Collection, management and constant update of Life Cycle Inventory database Software development, data processing and calculation E-infrastructure enabling operation of networks, data bases, computing facilities, collection, screening and structuring information Operation of e-learning platform
Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry Thank you for your attention! For more information