LOOKING TOWARD ASIA Chapter 16 Section 1
1) 1867 – The US purchased __________ from Russia. 2) Many Americans thought it was wrong to control ___________________ - they were _________________ because they wanted to stay out of the affairs of other countries ALASKA OTHER COUNTRIES ISOLATIONISTS
3) Some wanted to expand. Reasons: a. Bring _____________ way of life to others b. Increase the ____________ strength of the U.S. c. Farms and factories could sell their products to other countries – __________________ AMERICAN ECONOMIC FOREIGN TRADE
4) American businesses wanted to trade with __________. 5) China and Japan had ______________in trading. 6) 1853 – Commodore _________________ went to Japan. He convinced the ____________ to trade. Japan built factories and built up its ____. It needed oil and steel from the US. The US needed ________ from Japan. ASIA NO INTEREST MATTHEW PERRY EMPEROR NAVY CLOTH
7) In order to trade, the US needed ________ places in the Pacific Ocean. The US decided that ________________ in Hawaii would be ideal for fuel. 8) 1800s – Hawaii was a __________nation. 9) The climate in Hawaii was great for growing __________________. FUELING PEARL HARBOR FREE SUGARCANE
10) American planters bought ________in order to grow sugarcane. The Hawaiian king gave the US rights to the port of Pearl Harbor. 11) The US wanted to control Hawaii’s government, under the control of Queen _________________in She ________ the US access to Pearl Harbor. LAND LILIUOKALANI DENIED
12) 1893 – Americans led a _________ against the queen since they thought they would lose a great deal of money. 13) The US __________ joined in ousting the queen. After the defeat, Congress declared Hawaii a ______________ (a country that was partly ruled by a more powerful country.) REVOLT MARINES PROTECTORATE
14) In 1898, Hawaii was ___________ (added) to the US 15) ____________________, the Secretary of State, bought Alaska from Russia. Many people laughed at him, claiming the land was ____________ and ____________ to buy. This act became known as “Seward’s _______”. ANNEXED WILLIAM SEWARD USELESS FOOLISH FOLLY
Little did people know that Alaska added _____________ sq miles to the US Alaska had resources such as __________, _______, oil and minerals. _________ was discovered there as well. 600,000 TIMBER FURS GOLD
16) The US wanted to trade with _________. 1800s – China was a _______ nation with little industry. Several nations divided China into “spheres of _____________” in the late 1800s to control the country. They wanted to make ________ out of China. CHINA WEAK INFLUENCE COLONIES
The US and Britain wanted an “_______________” for trade, which made it free to trade there. In 1900, Secretary of State ________________ wrote his “Open Door Notes” to other countries. Other countries agreed, but many Chinese _______. The ____________, a group of Chinese against foreigners, rose up and led the Boxer Rebellion to get rid of them. The rebellion was not successful. OPEN DOOR POLICY JOHN HAY DID NOT BOXERS
17) 1880 – 1900 – the US enlarged its ______ under the leadership of Teddy Roosevelt The US would need its navy to ________ its merchant ships for trade purposes. In 1907, Roosevelt wanted to show the world that the US was a ______________. He sent 16 battleships on a world tour and called them “The Great ______________” NAVY PROTECT GREAT POWER WHITE FLEET
The Great White Fleet