Strategy 2012 Anne Asserson & Keith G Jeffery
euroCRIS itself 1.Has achieved much – credibility – membership,. Member meetings, task groups, seminar, conference, website 2.Much to do – operating DRIS, clear best practice guidelines, CERIF mapping advice/assistance, more push on technoplogy 3.Finances OK but not wonderful – limits what we can do 4.Board – some key retirements end 2012 – plan 5.Can we get more younger people involved through the TGs and thence to board?
euroCRIS community 1.Membership increasing 2.More in-depth and technical interest 3.More installations 4.More mandating of CERIF (or de facto acceptance) 5.Commercial companies and more joining (Firmstep/Searchfish) 6.CRIS2012 – more submissions, quality higher than previous
Strategic partners In past ICSU/CODATA Data Science Journal (after Kiev conference) Document with ALLEA and EARMA on researcher access / obstacles EARMA Dublin July? INORMS (International Network of Research Managment Societies) – Copenhagen may CASRAI – detailed mapping to CERIF on-going to resolve VIVO – related to LOD LATTES? Our friends in Iran and other places – India, China, Australasia Can we leverage ERCIM strongly for technical IT? JISC – UK projects and push for mandating CERIF; CERIF position at UKOLN, Bath Next strategic seminar – Horizon 2020 (need proposal for board on the structure and topics and possible speakers)
Recahing and embracing (enfolding?) new areas CERIF-LOD (VOA3R) CERIF-eGov (ENGAGE) CERIF-IR (May workshop series in Rome)
Projects UK projects (about 12 of them) – all aspects of CERIF; CERIF-XML; mapping/interoperation, outputs,outcomes,impact; CERIF ontologies; CERIF for datasets; ENGAGE: semantic web/LOD linkage and to the whole PSI/e-gov scene EuroRIs-Net+: CERIF mapping for research infrastructures at multiple national level; (related to MERIL at ESF) OpenAIREPlus – related to repository / digital library community PERICLES (proposal) to build the euroCRIS network and support it PRODROME (proposal) beyond ENGAGE for research datasets etc – seamless transition e-gov/PSI to research data
Ambition Stronger EC support for euroCRIS (special grant beyond individual projects) EC-NSF links (can we be the ones to speak to NSF, NIH etc on behalf of the EC for research management?)