The Cold War Ends
Reagan After a long run of liberal presidents, America turned to a more Conservative President –Ronald Reagan Became an sports broadcaster then an actor –President of Screen Actors Guild Became governor of California in 1966 Ran for President in 1980 –Easily defeated Carter –Blamed the Government for a lot of the problems Told the people they should have pride in America
Reagan First Term –Focused on domestic policy Fixed economy –Supply side economics »Cut taxes, rose interest rates Increased national debt America was happy again
Reagan Second Term Focused on Foreign Policy –Built up the military “Peace through strength” in USSR –Soviet’s would not be able to keep up –Would force communism to collapse Cost $1.5 TRILLION in 5 years Increased our national debt from $80 billion to $200 billion
Reagan’s Foreign Policy Reagan’s plan also included supporting anti-communist guerilla groups –Afghanistan $600 Million spent on trying to keep the Soviets out –Soviets withdrew in 1988 Reagan began secretly supporting other groups –Contras in Nicaragua –Congress banned this policy
Reagan’s Foreign Policy Despite Congresses ban, Reagan’s administration continued to support the rebels –Iran-Contra Scandal Officials secretly sold Iran weapons in exchange for American hostages –Profits were then given to the Contras –News leaked out about this Oliver North in charge –Reagan knew about weapon sales, but did not know about money to Contras
Reagan’s Foreign Policy Back in the USSR –Reagan places more missiles in Eastern Europe Would only remove them if USSR removed theirs They refused –Reagan starts “Star Wars” plan Builds weapons meant to intercept and destroy incoming missiles
Reagan and USSR Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the new leader of the Soviet Union –Resumed arms control talks Thought USSR had to reform or else it would collapse –Began talks with Reagan Frustrated, Reagan tells Gorbachev to end control in Berlin Berlin Wall Signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty –Began the end of the Cold War
George H.W. Bush With Reagan’s second term over, his Vice President George H.W. Bush takes over Almost immediately had to deal with foreign policy issues –Very good background UN Ambassador, diplomatic envoy in China, CIA Director, Vice President
The Bush Years Gorbachev was reforming –Caused revolutions in Eastern Europe Stopped being communists –Revolutions reached East Germany Tore down Berlin Wall (1989) United Germany once again With Eastern European communist countries fading, the Soviet Union was forced to collapse