Representation at Workshop 93 registrants 14 countries About 50 institutes Request from participants to provide list of these institutes. Here it comes… 03 May 2011 R. Assmann1 All talks online at conference web site:
Institutes I 03 May 2011 R. Assmann2 CountCountryInstitution 1FRANCECEA 2 CNRS 3 ILE/ENSTA/Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS/Paris XI 4 LAL / CNRS / Univ. de Paris Sud 5 LLR Ecole Polytechnique- CNRS/IN2P3 6 LPGP-CNRS-Université Paris Sud 11 7 LULI 8 SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL 9GERMANYDESY 10 DPG und Max-Born-Institut 11 Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich 12 Helmholtz-Institute Jena 13 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf 14 Max Planck Institut für Physik 15 Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik 16 TU-Darmstadt 17 University of Dusseldorf 18 University of Hamburg 19HUNGARYKFKI-RMKI
Institutes II 03 May 2011 R. Assmann3 CountCountryInstitution 20ITALYCONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE, INO 21 INFN-LNF 22 INFN-Milan and University of Milan 23 Pisa University and INFN 24 University of Rome LA SAPIENZA 25NETHERLANDSEINDHOVEN University oF Technology 26PORTUGALGoLP-IPFN-IST 27ROMANIAIFIN-HH 28RUSSIABudker INP 29 Institute of Applied Physics RAS 30SWEDENLund University 31SWITZERLANDCERN 32 PSI / EPFL 33UNITED KINGDOMCockcroft Institute 34 Imperial College 35 John Adams Institute 36 STFC Central Laser Facility 37 STFC Daresbury Laboratory 38 STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 39 University College London 40 University of Oxford 41 University of Strathclyde
Institutes III 03 May 2011 R. Assmann4 CountCountryInstitution 1CHINAInst. of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 Tsinghua University, Beijing 4JAPANKEK 5UNITED STATES OF AMERICABNL 6 Euclid Techlabs LLC 7 Fermilab 8 LBNL 9 SLAC 10 UCLA
Sessions: European and Global Goals, Organization, Ahead Draft mandate Milestones Organization 03 May 2011 R. Assmann5
Draft Mandate/Mission I 1.Develop goals from photon science and particle physics for advanced e-beam accelerators, including timeline. 5y, 10y, 20y goals and perspectives. 2.Describe coherent program for research on novel e- beam accelerators. What are the main components of this program? 3.Define reference measurements to qualify facilities for photon science and/or particle physics, including definition of standards. 4.Produce white-paper summarizing European efforts/goals with comments on world efforts. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann6
Draft Mandate/Mission II 5.Create framework for open facilities. EuroNNAc to describe and further develop coherent network of test facilities, document capabilities, review requests, discuss work share. “Distributed accelerator test facility for synchrotron science and particle physics” 6.Each facility to propose its main speciality (1-2) on what they want to offer for collaboration. 7.Ask FP7/8 support for such a “distributed open test facility”, including support for beam/laser time for users. Use also LaserLab opportunities. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann7
Draft Mandate/Mission III 9.Foster transfer of technology between communities and with industry. 10.Propose adequate funding mechanisms to support university-based accelerator research with long-term scientific benefits. 11.Creation of a “European School: From Conventional to Novel Accelerators”, linked to CAS or other series. 12.Support training of students and specialists. 13.Organize a European Advanced Accelerator Conference every second year. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann8
Draft Mandate/Mission III 14.Vision on the time-scale of one or few centralized “big” facilities, beyond present projects. – From “distributed test facility” to a “pilot e-beam facility”. – Pilot facility runs 24h 7/7 to produce agreed e-beam. – What does “big” mean? Beam parameters? How many? – How to split beam time for synchrotron radiation, medical applications and High Energy Physics applications? 15.Prepare significant FP8 proposal for pilot facility(ies), beyond present projects. Time scale? 16. Foster inter-disciplinary work on theory and simulations. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann9
Complementarity Must avoid reinventing the wheel… Existing ICFA/ICUIL task force (only laser-driven): – Report by Wim Leemans (chairman). Wim confirmed that the proposed EuroNNAc will indeed complement the task force work. ELI project (5 years, ~0.8 BEuro): – Reports by G. Korn and W. Sandner. – Again, complementarity confirmed. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann10
What are the top goals of the field (10y ahead)? – Demonstrate working plasma-based FEL at realistic frequencies – Reliable 24/7 operation of plasma-based accelerators at 1 GeV – Staging – High beam quality at 10 GeV from plasma accelerators – GV/m positron acceleration with plasma devices while preserving emittance – Demonstrate proton drivers for wake acceleration Draft Collection Goals
“New” idea to be evaluated… 1.Compact test beam for particle detectors and other uses based on novel acceleration scheme (brought into discussion by R. Aleksan). 2.Once shown, device could be copied and used as compact test beam at many places. Distributed use… 3.Use two units to collide two e-beams at GeV energies. Final demonstration of stability. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann12
Work package list (WP leaders will form steering committee) 1.Network coordination 2.Goals (from photon science and particle physics) 3.Program (for research on novel e-beam accelerators) 4.Reference measurements and standards 5.Distributed accelerator research test facility (short-term) 6.Pilot e-beam facility (longer-term) 7.Transfer of technology (includes industry) 8.Inter-disciplinary theory and simulation 9.Funding mechanisms (university-based accelerator research) 10.European Advanced Accelerator Conference 11.European School: From Conventional to Novel Accelerators (CAS) 12.Training (student programs) 13.Funding requests (FP7/8, …) 14.Writing (white paper, outreach, documentation) 03 May 2011 R. Assmann13
Organization 1.Invitation letter from EuroNNAc after the meeting. To European and interested world labs. 2.Respond with letter of interest from institutes. Includes person for governing board. 3.Coordination: continue (EuCARD) for next 2 years. 4.Governing board: 1 representative per institute. 5.Steering committee (10-12): Formed based on WP list, proposed by coordinators, elected by governing board. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann14
Milestones Jun 2011 EuroNNAc2 proposal to continue Jun 2011 First proposals for EuCARD2/ANAC2. Jul 2011Invitation letters Sep 2011 Deadline letter of interest. Proposals for WP and governing board. Sep 2011Final EuroNNAc2/ANAC2 proposals. Trans-national access could be included. Jan 2012 White paper, drafted by coordinators, commented/completed by , … Distributed to labs, ICFA, European Strategy Group for HEP, … Apr 2012 EuroNNAc Form distributed test facility. May 2012 List of key facilities to TIARA. 03 May 2011 R. Assmann15
EuroNNAc2 Proposal By coordinators Plus volunteers (not exclusive, propose anything you would like to contribute or to co-write). 03 May 2011 R. Assmann16