Challenges for development of ERA International Competition
1.Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 1. Nanosciences and converging sciences Nano-scale mechanisms of bio/non-bio interactions; Self-assembling and self- organisation; Support to networking ICPC (Intern. Cooperation Partner Country); Development of methodology. 2. Nanotechnologies and converging technologies Pilot lines to study, develop and up-scale nanotechnology-based processes from laboratory; Equipment and methods; Analysis of the ethical, regulatory, social and economic environment of nanomedicine; Coordination in nanometrology; Examining capacity building in nanobiotechnology. 3. Health, safety and environmental impacts Devices for measurement and analysis; Risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles on health and the environment; Creation of a critical and commented database on the health, safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles; Coordination in studying.
2. Materials 1. Mastering nano-scale complexity in materials Nanostructured polymer-matrix composites; Nanostructured coatings and thin films; Characterisation; Knowledge-based smart materials with tailored properties; Organic materials for electronics and photonics; Advanced material architectures for energy conversion; Bio-materials; Nanostructured materials with tailored magnetic properties; Tissue engineering. 2. Knowledge-based smart materials with tailored properties Organic materials for electronics and photonics; Nanostructured materials with tailored magnetic properties; Advanced material architectures for energy conversion; Novel biomaterials and bioinspired materials. 3. Advances in chemical technologies and materials processing Flexible efficient processing for polymers; Nanostructured catalysts with tailor- made functional surfaces; Renewable materials for functional packaging applications. 5. Using engineering to develop high performance knowledge-based materials Novel materials tailored for extreme conditions and environments; Modelling of microstructural evolution under work conditions and in materials processing.
3. New production 1. Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies New Industrial Models for Product and Process Life Cycle; New added-value user-centered products and product services; Integrated risk management in industrial systems. 2. Adaptive production systems Rapidly configurable machines and production systems; Process intensification in chemicals production. 3. Networked production Innovative customer-driven product-service design in a global environment; Rapid transfer and integration of new technologies into the design and operation of manufacturing processes; Rapid manufacturing concepts for small series industrial production; Innovative pathways in synthesis - improving efficiency by smart synthesis, design and reduction of the number of reaction steps. 4. Exploitation of the convergence of technologies. Processes and equipment for high quality industrial production of 3-dimensional nanosurfaces; Production technologies and equipment for micro-manufacturing; 4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications
Nanoscale materials and bio-world