New Ways For Smart Landscape Watering
Tom Larson Landscape & Irrigation Specialist DUDEK Fiona Sanchez Conservation Manager Irvine Ranch Water District Nick Mrvos Senior Conservation Specialist Irvine Ranch Water District Presented by our Experts
What’s Your Opinion? Landscaping accounts for what percentage of annual total household water use? [ ] 10% [ ]30% [ ]60% [ ]75%
What’s Your Opinion? Landscaping accounts for what percentage of annual total household water use? [ ] 10% [ ]30% X60% [ ]75%
Landscape Watering Wasted Annually 45,000 Gallons Enough to fill 2 swimming pools!!
Average Sprinkler Water Use 20 Gallons a Minute!
3 Keys To Smart Watering Tuning Up Your Irrigation System Controlling Your Sprinkler Timer Boosting Your Landscape Performance
Tuning Up Your Irrigation System 2. Reduce Pressure to Avoid Misting 1. Raise & Level Sprinkler Heads 4. Adjust Spray Pattern 3. Use Streaming Rotating Nozzles
What’s Your Opinion? How frequently is your sprinkler timer adjusted? [ ] Once a week [ ]Once a month [ ]Once a year [ ]When it rains [ ]I’m supposed to adjust the timer?
What’s Your Opinion? How frequently is your sprinkler timer adjusted? [ ] Once a week XOnce a month [ ]Once a year XWhen it rains [ ]I’m supposed to adjust the timer?
Controlling Your Sprinkler Timer Keep timer accessible Set key functions Run Time Run Time Water Days Water Days Start Time Start Time Water Budget Water Budget Off Switch Off Switch
5 Timer Tips 1. Set run time to avoid run-off 2. Set water days for season & plant need 3. Use “Water Budget” for interim adjustments 4. Replace battery when clocks change 5. Water between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
What’s Your Opinion? How often do you fertilize? [ ] Spring [ ]Fall [ ]Spring and Fall [ ]Fall and Winter [ ] Never
What’s Your Opinion? How often do you fertilize? [ ] Spring [ ]Fall [ ]Spring and Fall XFall and Winter [ ] Never
Boost Your Landscape Performance Grass Replace, if possible Replace, if possible Mow at 2.5 inches height Mow at 2.5 inches height
Boost Your Landscape Performance Plants Water according to need Water according to need Group by watering need Group by watering need Apply 2” to 3” of composted mulch Apply 2” to 3” of composted mulch If fertilization is required, use slow release in fall or late winter If fertilization is required, use slow release in fall or late winter
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Thanks for Joining Us! Tom Landscape & Irrigation Specialist DUDEK Fiona Conservation Manager Irvine Ranch Water District Nick Senior Conservation Specialist Irvine Ranch Water District