harris.com Michael Earl Systems Engineering, Trials and OPR Trials Status and OPR Update
| 2 Trials & OPR Update | | 2 NON-Export Controlled Information Operations continue at both sites –Recon events continue to disrupt Trials ops (necessary evil) –Less log on errors (both in the data and reported) –SAS ops are running smoothly, after the initial learning curve Trials Status
| 3 Trials & OPR Update | | 3 NON-Export Controlled Information 361 Total OPR’s To Date: –43 Added This Period (6/1/15 – 8/1/15) –345 Closed To Date 41 Closed This Period (6/1/15 – 8/1/15) –3 Timer Events –2 Log On Events –0 Recon Events –0 DM25 Events –4 A623 Events –1 Avionics Events –31 Other Events –15 Issues Under Investigation 9 Issues Being Investigated This Period (6/1/15 – 8/1/15) –1 Issue In_Work –0 Open OPR Items To Be Distributed 7 Event Buckets –Timer Events CR1, SATCOM, Pilot Latency, Media Management –Log On EventsNo Correlation, No Log On –Recon EventsChannel Promotion –DM25 EventsNo DM25 ever sent from Flight Deck –A623 EventsPilot requested A623 vs. DCL FANS –Avionics Event Discarded uplink, VDR issue, CMU issue –Other EventsAC Loses Power, TMU 6-10, False Dep. Data Base DCL Trials OPR Status Report 8/1/15
| 4 Trials & OPR Update | | 4 NON-Export Controlled Information DCL Trials OPR Status Report 8/1/15 Event Totals KEWRKMEMTOTALS Timer Logon Recon12921 DM A Avionics11819 Other Total = 345
| 5 Trials & OPR Update | | 5 NON-Export Controlled Information “Other” events: –~40% Invalid Routes or Route elements typically seen when a revision is made where a portion of the route is outside the FIR –~7% we are calling training events Pilot didn’t load the flight plan that was WILCO’d Does not include training events covered in main categories –~5% were non issues Everything happened as it should but the pilot or controller noted that there was an issue with understanding/intent (Cleared Route Clearance) This category has implications for the message content and how it is interpreted by the users Display Retention Analysis, Java scripting DCL Trials OPR Additional Details
| 6 Trials & OPR Update | | 6 NON-Export Controlled Information Airlines report issues directly to the OPR system via fax, , phone or web interface: –The goal is for all reported issues to pass through the respective airline’s Incident Reporting system –There is nothing to preclude submissions direct from a pilot or operations center; however the POC for each airline will receive an when an issue is created for their airline with the reported problem Towers report issues directly to FAA SLE –Harris will be CC’d on the AIMS tickets and will screen them for potential OPR applicability –FAA SLE can also assign AIMS tickets to OPR for investigation Production OPR Process
| 7 Trials & OPR Update | | 7 NON-Export Controlled Information 16 OPRs, 8 with AIMS tickets Production OPRs (including DFV) 8/10/15 OPR #AIMS #Short descriptionOPR status AIMS statusComments Lab Logon issueClosed No impact outside of lab environment 16 TEST10 or TEST 10 (Avionics issue with Harris jet)Recommend Close Passed to OEM for investigation, no impact to S1P1 participating aircraft Pilot ambiguity concern with revision wordingWIP Harris ER rejected, recommend taking issue to DCIT for recommendations SID anchoring airway revision (SWA a)Recommend Close ClosedSolution presented awaiting DCIT agreement 23 "Service Unavailable" (um162) received by Harris Jet to a DM25 request WIP Harris Is there an AIMS ticket for this? Seems to be an issue from the GS hr limit/timer for Same FLID, diff tail #Recommend Close ?Short term fix is in, long term national fix approved by ER board. 26 Wrong local Freq in local adaptationClosed Heard it was fixed, but was there ever an AIMS ticket? 27 Pilot claimed he Wilco'd, nothing received at GSWIP Harris Pulling logs Missing NAVAID (partial load)Recommend Close Adapted route issue in ERAM 29 Media switching/ARINC connectivityWIP ARINC RC-ARINC Analysis points to aircraft equipment issues 30 Media switching/ARINC connectivityWIP ARINC RC-ARINC Analysis points to aircraft equipment issues 31 Media switching/ARINC connectivityWIP ARINC RC-ARINC Analysis points to aircraft equipment issues 32 Media switching/ARINC connectivityWIP ARINC RC-ARINC Analysis points to aircraft equipment issues Round Robin routesWIP SLE GS must be able to accept, awaiting word on System fix Air refueling routesWIP Harris May require some limited testing with USAF using the production system when resources are available SWA814 Failure to establish sessionClosed Attention to Detail (Incorrectly entered FLID) SWA0814
| 8 Trials & OPR Update | | 8 NON-Export Controlled Information OPR forms (.pdf or.pub)- Pdf example in Back up –Can be provided via Web site (requires sign up and/2 factor token) Intended for Airline reporting system liaison person/persons Phone/fax number and (also on the form) –Phone (888) (option 4 for OPR) –Fax (321) – Methods to Submit an OPR
| 9 Trials & OPR Update | | 9 NON-Export Controlled Information Back Up