Goal: Identify factors that influence surface currents AND describe how ocean conditions are responsible for deep ocean currents. Lesson: Lab Stations November 13, 2014 Good Morning!
Station 1 1. Make a hypothesis. 2. Add a few drops of the salt water to the fresh water. 3. Answer the questions. 4. Dump out the cup of fresh water and refill it in the sink.
Station 2 1. Make a hypothesis on your worksheet. 2. Add an ice cube to the warm water. 3. Answer questions. 4. When you finish, dump the warm water in the sink and refill the beaker.
Station 3 1. Use the animal cards to create a food chain. 2. Answer the questions on your worksheet. 3. When you are finished, shuffle the cards and place them in the box.
Station 4 1. Make a hypothesis on your worksheet. 2. Put on the goggles. 3. Sprinkle dried herbs into the water. The blocks represent continents. 4. With a NEW straw, blow gently across the surface of the water towards a block. 5. Answer the questions on your worksheet. 6. Throw away your straw.
Station 5 1. Find the definition of the coriolis effect in your textbook and write it on your worksheet. 2. Spin the globe. 3. Use a dry erase marker to try to draw a straight line from the north pole to the equator as the globe is spinning. 4. When you finish, wipe the mark from the globe
Station 6 1. Take the slinky and sit on the floor with your partner. 2. Stretch the slinky out so that it is not loose. Please do not break the slinky! 3. Holding the slinky on the ground, shake one end of it from side to side. 4. Make a diagram in Box 1 of the wave as it would look if you took a picture of it. 5. Use ISN 65 to diagram the parts of a wave.
Lab Stations Procedures You will not talk across groups, but you are encouraged to discuss these concepts within your group. If you have a question, ask a group member or raise your hand and wait for me to acknowledge you. Stay at your station until the timer goes off. Do not walk around the room unless you are cleaning up or preparing the station for the next group. If you have not completed a station, you will have a couple of minutes after you have completed all other stations to revisit any station you were unable to complete.