LINEAR MOTION 1 Drop the ball time how long it takes to reach the first hill. Which graphs fit each section of the ride How do the equations explain the.


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Presentation transcript:

LINEAR MOTION 1 Drop the ball time how long it takes to reach the first hill. Which graphs fit each section of the ride How do the equations explain the motion How would you explain the forces acting on the ball throughout the entire motion.

LINEAR MOTION 2 FREE FALL AND PROJECTILE MOTION Have a timer ready, toss the ball straight up and catch it. Record the time, and divide the time by 2 since we only need half of the motion. Calculate the max height using 9.8 m/s 2 for gravity Toss the ball to a partner diagram the motion, – Identify acceleration, velocity at different points of the motion

NEWTON'S 2 nd LAW Using the Atwood machine adjust the weights to the car remains still (equilibrium) Adjust the weights so the car slowly moves up the ramp Adjust the weights so the car slowly moves down the ramp. What can you observe? What can you measure? What can you calculate? What variables can you change? What do you predict would be the result of your change?

INERTIA DESCRIPTION: Q: Two masses are hung in series from a fixed point alternating with three rubberbands. When you pull downward on the third (bottom) rubber band which of the rubber bands begins to stretch first? Do you get the same result when you pull quickly compared to when you pull slowly? Draw a force diagram showing how the tension force changes in each rubber band based on your pull. Based on the Upspring (Potential energy of spring) equation how does the Potential energy of each spring change when you pull on the system?

CONSTANT VELOCITY - GALILEO'S EXPERIMENT PURPOSE: Show constant velocity and uniform acceleration using a air bubble. DESCRIPTION: Rest the tube on the lecture table. Lift one end to obtain constant acceleration. Lift one end of the tube and immediately place it back on the table to obtain constant velocity. Measure the length in meters of the tube, time how long it takes the bubble to move in each tube? Find the acceleration of each tube when it is held straight up and down. Experiment with changing the angle to see if you can make all the tubes move with the same acceleration and velocity diagram your results.

FREE FALL WITH MOTION SENSOR PURPOSE: EXAMINE MOTION AFFECTED ONLY BY GRAVITY. Hold the ball under the sensor, activate the sensor and toss the ball up and down. Examine the data for velocity and acceleration. Repeat with a bigger or smaller toss. Use the formula to calculate the max height of the ball. Compare a distance/time and a velocity/time graph of the motion. Draw a force diagram for the ball at the beginning, middle, and end of the toss.

ANGULAR ACCELERATION PURPOSE: To demonstrate the direction of acceleration for both linear and circular cases. Hold the accelerometer jar and notice which way the bobber moves when you walk forward or backward. Spin the rotational accelerometer and notice which way the bobber moves, spin it the opposite way. Based on your observations how is linear acceleration different from angular acceleration? Based on the formula how does acceleration change if speed is double (show your logic with an example of the formula) Based on the formula how will angular acceleration change if the radius is reduced by ½ its distance (prove your point with a mathematical example)

ORBIT CENTRIPETAL FORCE (must experiment in hallway) Hold the tube with the string running through it and the mass hanging towards the ground. Begin spinning the satellite until the mass begins to move upward. How does the speed of the spin effect the force created? Compare the force of gravity to the force created by the spin? Discuss how this experiment relates to a satellite maintains its orbit around the earth? Based on Newtons Law of Gravity how must an orbit change to accommodate doubling the mass of a space station orbiting the earth?

CRANE BOOM PURPOSE: Analyze three configurations for the crane boom. Use the spring scale to lift the crane boom from 3 different points. Graph your data to show a pattern of force verse distance. Calculate the torque created from each lift point.

HAPPY VS UNHAPPY BALLS PURPOSE: To illustrate coefficient of restitution. DESCRIPTION: Drop the two balls simultaneously from the same height. One bounces back to almost the original height, while the other stops dead on impact. Which one is happy and which one is unhappy. Find the velocity the balls hit the floor with using the kinematic formula: gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 Find the momentum using Based on your data what will happen if both balls are dropped on top of each other? How did your prediction match what happened? Does it matter which ball hits the floor first, (why or why not)

MAXWELL'S PENDULUM Rotate the disc up to the top allowing the string to coil around the rod. Let the disc go observing its motion. If the disc is 1 kg what is the Gravitational Potential Energy (U) Since Gravity is pulling down a rotational force or torque is pulling up. Which part of the disc (inside) or outside contains more of the mass? Diagram the forces that are effecting the disc allowing it to move up and down. Explain which force seems to be greater angular momentum or gravitational energy.

NEWTON'S CRADLE The mass of each ball is Kg Pull one ball back and calculate the gravitational potential energy (U) Release the ball and find the speed the ball hits. (hint U = K) Diagram the forces that are effecting the cradle. Explain why when two balls are dropped two different balls move on the opposite side using conservation of energy.

HARMONIC MOTION Pull the Pendulum back to 15 degrees and use the monitor to measure the period. Repeat at 30 degrees. What would happen at 60 degrees, why? Repeat the experiment by only changing the mass, reduce the mass by half the washers. Based on your data what would happen if we tripled the number of washers? Repeat the experiment only changing the length of the string, on the second attempt reduce the length by ½, you will need to lower the pendulum. What would happen if the length of the string were tripled? Use the Pendulum formula to explain why only the string length had a noticeable effect on period? Diagram the pendulum including forces acting upon it, max U, Max KE, amplitude.

POWER OF PLAY DOUGH Do you think Play dough will conduct a current or resist a current. Attach the black wire to different colors of play dough, then use the multimeter to measure the current after the play dough. Using OHMS LAW find the resistance of each color: Explain what was done in the experiment to make sure the only quality of play dough tested was the resistance of each color, what variables were controled?