Log in with Username and Password. Use student for your Password. First time using the Program, click the Create New Student User button and complete the Create New User dialog box.
C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\ BCOT 135 bsoden
End the program Timed Writing feature Digraph Practice feature Open Screen Return to Student Registration screen. Context- Sensitive help Enter session number here and click this button to begin working
Evaluation Analysis
Save your document as a.JPEG file to be sent to me as an attachment.
Send your to me.
Use the first one. PracticeSend me only 5-minute timings Use for Practice to build up to 5-minute timings
Save your document as a.JPEG file to be sent to me as an attachment.
Send your to me.
Open Screen feature is a simple word processing that students can use to practice their keyboarding skill, create a letter, or take a timed writing. You can use the Supplemental Timed Writings on pages for practice. Use the count-down timer option for regular speed timed writings. It will not correct your errors or tell you your speed. You need to figure this out. You do not send me timings that you take on the screen. You can also use it for your Speed Clinic (extra credit and in your textbook). Timer