St. Katherine Drexel
Story of my name My parents chose Katherine because they liked it. They liked Suzanne because my aunt was going to be named Suzanne, but she died at birth.
St. Katherine Drexel Born November 26, 1858 in Philadelphia Second daughter of a banker First mom died when Katherine was 5weeks old Her dad Francis Anthony Drexel Her second mom was Emma Bouvier She founded the sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Katherine Drexel In 1915 founded Xavier University in New Orleans She taught at a school for poor children and orphans She became a missionary Taught Native Americans At age 33 until her death she dedicated her life fortune of $2,000,000
St. Katherine Drexel She died in Bensalem, Pennsylvania At her death 500 sisters were teaching in 63 schools throughout the country She was beautified by Pope john Paul II on November , canonized on October and became the second most recognize born saint in America She died on March at age 96
St. Katherine Drexel She is the Patron Saint of Philanthropists and Racial Justice
My unofficial saint is my Grandma. She is like an unofficial saint to me because she teaches me about God. She helps me with my homework. She helps the poor. She loves me My grandma is kind to everyone around her. She loves Mary.
Role Model She is a role model to me because she helps charities. I will try my best to be involved with charity She taught native Americans and blacks I will try to learn more about them