Romans Paul’s Exposition of “Salvation by Grace Through Faith” Lesson 8a IV. God’s Righteousness: Solving The Problem Of Sin Romans 5:1 - 6:23 Page 53
Beginning A New Outline Section.... We have covered - I. God’s Righteousness: Revealed in the Gospel II. God’s Righteousness: Needed by All III. God’s Righteousness: Given through Faith Now, we will cover - IV. God’s Righteousness: Solving the Problem of Sin (5:1-6:23)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 Faith has brought hope of God’s salvation. (1-5) Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ (1) By faith, we have access to His grace (2) Only then can we have hope of His glory (2) Our faith gives us the ability to handle persecutions (3,4) The result -- the love of God is poured out in our hearts (5)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 God’s love through Christ demonstrates His desire to save (6-11) In due time, Christ died for the ungodly -- for everybody (6,7) God’s love for us as sinners was so great He gave Christ to die for us (8) “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...” (John 3:16) Through Christ we shall be saved from wrath (9)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 God’s love through Christ demonstrates His desire to save (6-11) (continued) We have been reconciled to God through the death of His son -- He died so we could be saved and have eternal life (10) Through Christ, we can rejoice in God because we have been reconciled, brought together Notice that all spiritual blessings are through Jesus Christ
End of Lesson 8a
Romans Paul’s Exposition of “Salvation by Grace Through Faith” Lesson 8b IV. God’s Righteousness: Solving The Problem Of Sin Romans 5:1 - 6:23 Page 56
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 God’s righteousness through Christ’s death more than compensates for penalty for Adam’s sin (12-21) Death suffered under law before Christ (13,14) Sin entered the world through one man (Adam), death came about through sin, death spread to all men because all sinned (12) Adam represented what any and all men would have done in his situation -- sinned Adam’s choice (between physical life or death) was made for all mankind since all die -- the righteous and the unrighteous (14)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 Law of grace provides righteousness through Christ (15-17) The free gift that Christ is “not as the offense” (15) Adam’s one act of disobedience to God brought condemnation for all men (16) But, the one free gift Christ brought to all men (for their many offenses -- all the sins of all the world) was His death which brought God’s grace, His favor, and resulted in justification and forgiveness from sins (16) Those who receive this abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ (17)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 Law of grace provides righteousness through Christ (15-17) (continued) Adam’s disobedience allowed physical death to “reign” over mankind, and those sentenced to death had no recourse or appeal. Christ’s obedience (Hebrews 5:8) broke death’s hold on its victims and gave them back their physical lives. Physical death does pass from that first sin but not spiritual death. Each person is responsible for himself alone and is guilty before God only of whatever wrong acts he has done.
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 Eternal life offered by God to the obedient (18-21) Through one man’s offense judgment came upon all men, resulting in condemnation (18) Through one Man’s righteous act, the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life (18) By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners (19) By one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous (19)
A. Christians Have Confidence That The Problem Has Been Solved Romans 5:1-21 Eternal life offered by God to the obedient (18-21) (continued) The written law caused sin to abound because law made men more aware of their sins (20) But, where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (20) As sin reigned in death, grace reigned through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ
End of Lesson 8b