What is the state of spirits after death? Beyond the Sunset What is the state of spirits after death?
What is the state of spirits after death? “Behold a man raised up by Christ! The rest remaineth unreveal’d; He told it not; or something seal’d the lips of that Evangelist.” ~ Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)
Agenda What does God says about our spirits after death? What can we know?
What does God says about our spirits after death? Not much! Lazarus (John 11) Paul (2 Cor 12:2-4) DISCUSSION: Where did Paul go?
What does God says about our spirits after death? DISCUSSION: Why hasn’t God told us more about what happens after death? DISCUSSION: Should we believe new accounts about Heaven?
What can we know? The dead do not see us 2 Chronicles 34:28 Ties to earthly events are severed Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 The dead do not retain their earthly status Isaiah 14:9-20 Luke 16:19-31
What can we know? Souls are conscious Isaiah 14:9-20 Luke 16:19-31 Revelation 6:9-11
What can we know? Refuting scriptures for soul consciousness Ecclesiastes 9:5 Ecclesiastes 9:10 Psalms 146:4 DISCUSSION: What does it mean "thoughts” perish at death? DISCUSSION: In what place do the dead “know nothing”?
Conclusion God hasn’t given us in-depth understanding of what happens after death We can look to scripture and deduce some truths: The dead do not see the living The dead sever earthly ties The dead do not retain earthly status The departed souls are conscious