Gel Gibson Mrs. Deemer AP English King Laius Gel Gibson Mrs. Deemer AP English
Background King of Thebes Exiled by amphion and zethus Divine hero Brought love of youths to Greece Son of Labdacus Raised by regent Lycus Married Jocasta
Chrysippus Laius tutored him Escorted to Nemean Games Laius rapes Chrysippus Different stories of his death Suicide Mother/brothers
Laius’ Punishment King Pelops curse Hera sends Sphinx Forbidden to have children by Apollo Apollo protects youths and boys Killed by own son
Bibliography Adams, John Paul. "The Story of Oedipus." The Story of Oedipus. John P. Adams, 24 Jan. 2010. Web. 31 Nov. 2013. < oedstory.html>. "Khrysippos." Theoi. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. < Khrysippos.html>. "Laius." Pinceton. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Nov. 2013. < ~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Laius.html>. "Laius and Chrysippus." Gay Greek Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Nov. 2013. < gay-mythology-folktales/homosexual-greek-mythology/laius-chrysippus-gay/ laius-chrysippus-gay.html>.