Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death.
John 11:28-44
Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death.
Because “Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death,” one day death will be no more. o 1 Cor 15: o Rev 20: Because Jesus conquered death, He expects us to live a certain way.
Because “Jesus Chrsit is the Conqueror of death,” you need to Anticipate heaven. o Dream about heaven. o Read Rev & ask some questions: What do you most hope to see & experience in heaven? What pains you most on this earth? Does Jesus really want us to daydream about heaven? o Paul wanted to go be with Jesus more than anything else in this world. o “My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better” (Phil 1:23, ESV).
Because “Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death,” you need to Believe on Jesus. o “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die” (Jn 11:25-26). o “But I need to do more than just believe?” True! But, biblical faith is trust. o Rom 4: o When we trust someone, we’ll act on that trust. Heb 11. When I really believe (i.e., trust) God, I’ll have no problem obeying His every word.
Because “Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death,” you need to Cleanse your life. o Those who live filthy lives will not experience the resurrection of the just. Rev 21:8. Rev 22: o Do you need to have Jesus cleanse your life of sin?