1© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 SETTING THE SCENE: MOBILE OLIVER ROBINSON, GFK
2© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March Where are we? 2.Where are we going?
3© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Pope Francis speaks to St. Peter's Square for the first time after he was elected last Wednesday Paul II’s body is carried across St. Peter’s Square for public viewing following his death in 2005 Pope John
4© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Mobile: really, really big 54% 74% 27% SmartphoneTabletPC / laptop Source: GfK Integrated Tablet Report (all respondents, n=3,056) UK device ownership (claimed)
5© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Mobile: really, really big (…and getting bigger) Source: GfK Consumer Choices, sales data Tablets Smartphones Laptops Desktops 30 million 0 million Q3 2007Q million 20 million UK device sales
6© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 The internet was once a place we visited...
7© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 but we use mobile in a much more personal way …but we use mobile in a much more personal way
8© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 This means a fundamentally different device relationship
9© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 “The clear distinction between on and offline, between human and technology, is queered beyond tenability” Nathan Jurgenson Source: The New Enquiry
10© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March pm12am NoonMorningNight Fixed line internet Mobile We’re using the internet on our mobiles throughout the day… Source: GfK Connected Life (behavioural data, base 307) Commute to work
11© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Pre-mobile, the internet was a place we visited……and it’s not all via apps… 54% Source: GfK Omnibus, January 2013 of smartphone owners use the device to browse the web daily
12© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 …although it might not be browsing as we know it Smartphone PC / laptop Average unique domains visited Average impressions per domain Source: GfK Connected Life (behavioural data, base 307)
13© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 What does all this mean for mobile advertising? If mobile advertising doesn’t respect what users are trying to achieve on mobile devices, it will do more harm than good
14© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March Where are we? 2.Where are we going?
15© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 The smartphone is running out of devices to cannibalise…
16© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 “The most important innovation in smartphones will be a product that is not a smartphone” Horace Dediu Source: Asymco
17© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 You think fragmentation is bad now?
18© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Pre- internet Not enough information Nascent internet Too much information Mature internet Optimal information GfK Tech Trend: Information Overload We are here (…for now at least) Source: GfK Tech Trends 2013:
19© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 No data Behavioural data Contextual data We should be here! GfK Tech Trend: Intelligent Design Source: GfK Tech Trends 2013:
20© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 …so what does this all mean for mobile advertising? 1.Think about context 2.Make sure it’s relevant (from the consumer perspective, at least)
21© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Contact us For more information on anything featured in this deck, get in touch: Oliver Robinson, Research Manager, Technology T: +44 (0) Babita Earle, UK lead Innovation and digital T: +44 (0)
22© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 Download Tech Trends 2013 A range of influences will shape the technological landscape this year. Here we present six trends for 2013 and beyond: Managing information overload The data agenda Intelligent design Open-source models A brand of me The disruption of hardware Download the document via the link below:
23© GfK 2013 | Media Playground | 20.March 2013 THANK Oliver Robinson, GfK