Best practice National Action Plans (NAP) – and then what? NIC Working group 28th October 2010, Brussels Henriette Christensen (PAN Europe)
Time tables for implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC (I): Overall implementation 14 December 2011, MS to convert Directive 2009/128/EC into national law (art. 23) 14 December 2012, MS shall communicate NAP to Commission and other MS (art. 4.2) Monitoring and surveying health and environment impacts 14 December 2012 Commission in collaboration with MS make guidance document (art 7.3)
Time tables for implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC (II): National penalties: 14 December 2012, MS to inform Commission about penalties for infringements (art. 17) Evaluation: 14 December 2014, Commission submit report on NAP implementation to EP and Council (art. 4.3) 14 December 2018, Commission submit report on NAP implementation to EP and Council. It may be accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate legislative proposals (art. 4.4)
Specific time tables (I) Training 14 December 2013, MS establish certification systems and designate responsible for implementation (art 5.2) Sale of pesticides 14 December 2015, MS ensuring distributors giving information on danger and alternatives non-professional (art. 6.4) Inspection of equipment 14 December 2016 MS to ensure all equipment has been checked (art 8.2) Until 2020 interval between inspections below five years and shall not exceed three years thereafter.
Specific time tables (II) Aerial spraying: From 2013, aircrafts to be equipped with best available technology to reduce drift (art.9 (f)) IPM implementation: 30 June 2013, MS report to the European Commission on implementation of IPM (art. 14.3) 1 January 2014, all professional uses to implement IPM (art. 14.4)
Crucial dates 14/12/201114/12/201214/12/201414/12/2018 Directive implementation MS communication Commission report + eventual legislation
PAN work on NAP MS inspiration to 2011 deadline: Best practice NAP Report on biodiversity Stimulate IBMA/IOBC to get active Something missing? Preparation to 2014 deadline Asked questions last year, to be used to monitor in 2014 What else??
Thank you Lets celebrate the NAP-day on the 14th of December!