Mark 16
“I am the resurrection and the life” John 11:25
Mark 16:1-8 …he is risen, he is not here...
4 questions
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
Jesus rose from the dead Yeah right
reliable & trustworthy
The disciples were hallucinating / daydreaming
The wrong tomb
Jesus swooned or fainted
The disciples stole the body
Matt: 27 vvs 62-66
Jesus rose from the dead Inconvenient truth Yeah right
…He is not here... He is risen... Mark 16:6
Does it matter?
…useless……futile… …to be pitied… 1 Corinthians 15:14,17,19
Who do you say that Jesus is?
So what?
- a unique belief
Confucious’ tomb occupied
Confucious’ tomb occupied Buddha’s tomboccupied
Confucious’ tomb occupied Buddha’s tomboccupied Mohammed’s tomb occupied
Confucious’ tomb occupied Buddha’s tomboccupied Mohammed’s tomb occupied Jesus’ tombEMPTY
The empty tomb confirms: - Jesus was divine
The empty tomb confirms: - Jesus was divine - Jesus can forgive sins
The empty tomb confirms: - Jesus was divine - Jesus can forgive sins - Jesus’ power over death
The empty tomb confirms: - Jesus was divine - Jesus can forgive sins - Jesus’ power over death - Jesus’ victory over death
The empty tomb confirms: - Jesus was divine - Jesus can forgive sins - Jesus’ power over death - Jesus’ victory over death -Jesus superior to Satan Bill Bright (
- a unique belief - help for today
I serve a risen Saviour, He’s in the world today … … And just the time I need Him He’s always near Refrain He lives, he lives Christ Jesus lives today He walks with me and talks with me Along life’s narrow way …
- a unique belief - help for today - hope for tomorrow
1 Cor 15 NOW v42 mortal v42 dishonour v42 weakness v44 natural v49 v57
1 Cor 15 NOWTHEN v42 mortalimmortal v42 dishonourglory v42 weaknesspower v44 naturalspiritual v49 likeness v57 victory
An empty grave … Refrain Because he lives I can face tomorrow … all fear is gone … all fear is gone … I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives