Presentation by Elaine Mello & Robert Sikkema June 30, 2015
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2007 TechTV created
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2007 TechTV created – 1 st home Blip.TV
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2007 TechTV created – 1 st home Blip.TV 2008 TechTV migrated to Viddler Moved from a completely hosted service to a hybrid model
History of TechTV How did we get here? TechTVWebsite (IS&T VM) TechTVWebsite Viddler Service provider in the cloud Viddler
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2009 TechTV was adopted by the Libraries and continued to grow
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2009 TechTV was adopted by the Libraries and continued to grow And grow…
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2010 And grow! In 2010, TechTV migrated from Viddler to Kaltura for transcoding, hosting and streaming.
History of TechTV 9 How did we get here? 2010 And grow! In 2010, TechTV migrated from Viddler to Kaltura for transcoding, hosting and streaming. TechTV went from 5,000 videos to 18,000 videos in the first two years of Kaltura hosting.
History of TechTV Why the increase in growth? Increased awareness of TechTV by the community Increased awareness of TechTV by the community Increased quality of streaming Increased quality of streaming Ability to do HD quality Ability to do HD quality Larger file sizes being uploaded Larger file sizes being uploaded New features added to the TechTV code. New features added to the TechTV code. Multiple files transcoded for desktop and mobile device streaming. Multiple files transcoded for desktop and mobile device streaming. Increase in number of users Increase in number of users Increased features (Shibboleth, captions, etc) Increased features (Shibboleth, captions, etc)
History of TechTV Issues with Kaltura: Unable to modify Kaltura player Unable to modify Kaltura player Streaming issues Streaming issues Quality concerns Quality concerns Lost files Lost files Customer service issues Customer service issues Unable to see “under the hood” Unable to see “under the hood” Poor analytics Poor analytics File security issues File security issues Overage costs Overage costs $6k/month for 19TB of hosting and storage, plus $0.40/GB overage charges $6k/month for 19TB of hosting and storage, plus $0.40/GB overage charges
History of TechTV So why move someplace else? Control costs Create a flexible system Add features on our schedule, not a vendor’s. Be able to see the whole workflow, not just a limited portion.
History of TechTV How did we get here? 2013 In April 2013, TechTV migrated to the Amazon cloud (AWS). This decreased costs by 50% over using Kaltura.
TechTV Today In July 2013, AMPS, Distance Education & Streaming Operations and TechTV moved From the Libraries to ODL.
TechTV Today 9,947 users 6/30/2015 9,947 users 6/30/ ,504 total videos 25,504 total videos 13,901 public videos (54%) 13,901 public videos (54%) 11,603 private videos (46%) 11,603 private videos (46%) 3,061 Collections 3,061 Collections Over 1 million unique views Over 1 million unique views In July 2013, AMPS, Distance Education & Streaming Operations and TechTV moved From the Libraries to ODL.
MIT TechTV Growth
Subscribe to Amazon services S3 Storage EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) CloudFront streaming How does it work? These services combined with ODL’s StarCluster program and the TechTV website allows us to provide the same services at a fraction of the cost.
StarCluster Open source cluster computing toolkit for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) which allows TechTV to manager virtual machines in the cloud for use in the transcoding of video. The video files are moved to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) repository. When someone clicks on a video link on TechTV, the video is streamed through a virtual server on CloudFront.
How we migrated: TechTV code changed by Foraker Labs to point to Amazon Cloud Justin Riley from OEIT set up StarCluster to transcode files in the cloud. Modification of open source video player with custom functions by Bigsool. Copy of all files from Kaltura to Amazon S3 Copy files from DE server to Amazon S3 Robert & Elaine to manage the transition, beta test the code, work with power users to test and report bugs to Foraker.
Tech TV Architecture
admin_notices approved_users bdrb_job_queues closed_caption_files collections collection_properties collection_videos comments contact_messages delayed_jobs friend_messages genres languages licences pages playlists playlist_items ratings roles schema_migrations search_phrases shibboleth_strategies site_configurations surveys survey_participations tags tags_videos users viddler_video_files videos video_formats video_supporting_files video_transcodes watch_items watch_item_errors MySQL Tables
Local Ruby Gems actionmailer (3.1.0, ) actionpack (3.1.0, ) activemodel (3.1.0) activerecord (3.1.0, ) activeresource (3.1.0, ) activesupport (3.1.0, ) arel (2.2.1) aws-sdk ( , 1.8.3) bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1) builder (3.0.0) bundler (1.6.1, ) console (0.5) daemon_controller (0.2.6) erubis (2.7.0) fastthread (1.0.7) hike (1.2.1) i18n (0.6.0) json (1.7.7) mail (2.3.0) mime-types (1.16) minitest (1.6.0) multi_json (1.0.3) mysql2 (0.3.11) nokogiri (1.5.0) passenger (3.0.11, 3.0.9) polyglot (0.3.2) rack (1.3.3, 1.1.2) rack-cache (1.0.3) rack-mount (0.8.3) rack-ssl (1.3.2) rack-test (0.6.1) rails (3.1.0, ) railties (3.1.0) rake (0.9.2) rdoc (3.9.4, 2.5.8) rubygems-update (2.2.2) sprockets (2.0.0) thor (0.14.6) threadz (1.0.0) tilt (1.3.3) treetop (1.4.10) tzinfo (0.3.29) uuidtools (2.1.3)