Gov 2.0 Platform Data Services with Cloud Computing: Self Service Business Analytics Briefing at the National Press Club GovCloud: Cloud Computing for the Business of Government Update and Outlook Brand Niemann Semantic Community March 29,
Briefing at the National Press Club About this Briefing: – The United States Government is the worlds largest consumer of information technology, spending over $76 billion annually on more than 10,000 different systems. Fragmentation of systems, poor project execution, and the drag of legacy technology in the Federal Government have presented barriers to achieving the productivity and performance gains found when technology is deployed effectively in the private sectors. – All that is about to change as the Obama Administration obliges federal departments to look to Cloud computing to cut costs and solve many of the problems that have plagued IT deployment for decades. The problem, however, is how do federal IT managers and those controlling the budgets go about deciding what is best for them. Leading experts from Government and Industry will update the press and attendees on … – Status of government Cloud initiatives – Future Plans and Outlook – Challenges and Opportunities Speakers – NIST Cloud Computing Program Office – Gerald Smith, Office of DoD Executive Agent for IT Standards – Brand Niemann, Director, Semantic Community and former Senior Enterprise Architect and Data Scientist, U.S. EPA – Kevin Jackson, Director, Cloud Services at NJVC – Bob Gourley, Founder/Author CTO Vision and Former DIA CTO 2
Federal Cloud Computing Wiki 3
Cloud Computing Define Using the Six Journalistic Questions: – What? – Doing your own IT. – Where? – Using someone elses infrastructure. – How? – Getting to the 5 Stars of Linked Open Data. – Why? – Faster, better, and cheaper. – When? – The power of now! – Who? – Information architects and preservationists, enterprise architects and data architects, knowledge workers, etc. 4
5 Cloud Computing Source: YouTubeYouTube: 10:17 Minutes The Five Stars of Linked Open Data
FCW Articles 1. Making Individuals In to Information Architects and Preservationists 2. Data Services - What and Many Other Things Should Be 3. Federal Cloud Computing: It can really happen if we can do our own IT! 4. Gov 2.0 Platform Data Services with Cloud Computing: HealthDataGov 5 Whats In a name for Open Government Data Sets: Everything! 6. Gov 2.0 Platform Data Services with Cloud Computing: OMB Earmarks Database 6
1. Making Individuals In to Information Architects and Preservationists 7 For links see:
John Monroe, Editor of Federal Computer Week You mention that information architects should re-architect legacy systems -- in what way should they re-architect them?: – Great question and the answer is like I did at EPA and for interagency programs - get the data out of the legacy systems and use it in free cloud tools like Spotfire at: alyticsInformationalFactSheet doc alyticsInformationalFactSheet doc – Vivek Kundra's requiring agencies to put their high-value data sets into and to reduce the number of data centers can save money and improve results if there are more people like myself that will take advantage of that by "doing their own IT" with cloud computing tools and becoming data scientists - see my list of data science products at: 8
John Monroe, Editor of Federal Computer Week You mention that information architects should re-architect legacy systems -- in what way should they re-architect them? (continued): – I should add a specific example in answer to your question: The IT Spending Dashboard took 6 months and cost $8M for GSA to do - I re-architected and implemented it in about 3 days for free (except for the cost of my time at EPA) with Spotfire - of course part of the $8M was to build the databases which I did not have to do, but not the entire $8M - see: 9
2. Data Services - What and Many Other Things Should Be 10
3. Federal Cloud Computing: It can really happen if we can do our own IT! 11 See Complete Taxonomy of Federal Cloud Computing in the books Table of Contents! Because of unprecedented demand, this book is back ordered until the end of February!
6. Gov 2.0 Platform Data Services with Cloud Computing: OMB Earmarks Database 12
Linked Open Data Visualizations Cloud Computing for and with Linked Open Data Visualizations: – What the 5 star system does not take into account, however, is the quality of the data itself. As with everything on the Internet, remember that even if you get your hands on a well published Linked Open Data set, it may be incomplete, taken out of context or badly curated. Bad content in, bad content out does still apply. This problem is especially acute for Linked Open Data at the moment, because everyone is just starting out with creating the ontologies and links and there is no way to do this overnight, so incompleteness will probably prevail for a while. – The basis of all visualizations is content, and the availability of Open Data certainly helps visualization creators and data journalists to find data that lets them support and discover the stories they want to tell. These are exciting developments and Im looking forward to seeing all the interesting (Linked) Open Data visualizations the visualization community comes up with! Posted My Comment: Excellent article! Please see my Linked Open Data Visualizations at Also See Spotfire Community Post: My Bottom Line: Do the 5 stars and linked data cloud in MindTouch, Spotfire and the Concept-Map Ontology Environment with the Data Science approach. 13 Source:
A Managers Guide to Cloud Computing From 375 Cloud Musings since May 2008 to a 244 page book in February 2011, Kevin Jackson and his word processor must never sleep! The table of contents, which is really a taxonomy of Government Cloud Computing, is worth the price of the book alone. I highly recommend this excellent resource for both those new and experienced in this exciting new field. Well done, Kevin! - Brand Niemann 14