Physics Invention Project
Physics Simple Machines Invention Project This project is due December 6, You may choose to do an individual project or with a group of students if you are building something. I must have a note by November 1, 2012 giving parent permission if you are working with a group or if you are building something for the project. A parent must agree to be your supervisor if you are building something. Household items with simple machines may be used. Building something is not necessary.
Research the device: Who was the inventor? If you cannot find out who invented it or the date it was invented, estimate as best you can when people began using it. When it was first invented? Where was it first used? How does it work? What forces make it work? What energy changes take place when you use it? How has it changed or improved a task? What simple machines does it contain? Make a bibliography of resources used.
If you choose to build a device, make sure it is safe to operate and that it can be demonstrated at school. It should be something used at home or in school, and it should be a device that students do or can use themselves. It should not be too complicated. Complicated devices may be hard to build or operate and may be too complex to analyze fully, whereas a simple device lets you focus on the fundamental principles and concepts students have studied in the simple machines module.
If students must send material to the teacher, there are several ways to get material to the teacher electronically: Upload to your student file using the gateway. Upload to Google docs in your gateway and share it with your teacher. Upload to You must register and set up an account, but it is free and teachers moderate the videos. You tube will not be used unless other resources have not worked out. You may not bring a jump drive, flash drive, cd, or any other device that requires inserting anything into the school computers. This is Madison City Schools Policy.
Students will present their simple machine invention to their classmates beginning December 10, Presentations should include an electronic visual or a poster along with the demonstration of the simple machine. This project will count as 2 (100 point) test grades.